Revenge. ..

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    Vinodh managed to get lost from her accusing eyes. ..

  "I was just. ..just checking your temperature. .."

Shravan stuttered , vigilantly stepping back. ..

" Oh. ..yah.'re good enough to check the temperature of a poor girl who was on her way to the hotel. .? "

" just. ..I. ..I ..."

Shravan cleared his  throat unnecessarily to get a convincing reason for his act. ..

Poor shravan. .couldn't get one. yet he pretended to be bold and avoided her eyes. ..

" look miss.'re not well. ..just take rest. ..we will discuss everything later. .."

  He was about to move. ..

" What. ..take rest.?. (*cough )...just call the police. ..*cough. dare you kidnapped a woman. ...and ...* cough. guys are too cool. ..I won't let you that easily. ..****cough. ..."

Suman coughed intermittent. ..she grasped Shravan's shirt collar , yelling at him with threatening eyes. ...

   Instead of getting angry, shravan laughed from heart. ..

   Her grip on his shirt got loosened. ..her eyes retreated to scare witnessing his insane  laugh. ..

His uncontrollable laugh settled to giggle only after some time. ..

He steadily leaned at her until the safe distance. ..

Suman scared to hell and she pressed herself at bed hard to maintain the distance from him. ..

" guess what madam.'re at my den and you're raising voice against me. was a mistake that I involved without my knowledge and I have a duty to save you. .that's it. here until you recover. ..then, I will send you wherever you want. you get that. .? "

  His strict voice and commanding  demeanor made sumo to be quite. ..

She nodded accepting him. ..

" that's like a good decision. .."

He went out locking the door behind him. ..

    Suman made herself comfort at the bed. ..she was tired and indeed needed rest. .and for obscure reasons she found the place and sham to be safe. ..

  She rolled her eyes at every nook and corner of the room. ..the room was neat infact had good taste of interiors not richy yet classy. ..

   The lengthy french window that covered  a side of the  wall ,had paintings and the colours reflected through the room gleefully. ..there was a laptop connected with the router at the corner .some of the files were arranged neatly beside the laptop. ..

  Laptop. ..why don't I get some help. .?by other means..why he didn't tie or blindfolded me. .?did he trust me. .?

Thinking that she continued to view the room. ..

    she could see a book rack flooded with thriller fictions of Agatha Christie and Dawn brown.

   What the hell. .? His appearance. ..behaviour. ..His attitude...this room. ..books. he really a kidnapper. .?

    She couldn't stop herself from doubting. ..yet, his demand on money while dealing with gupta made her to shrug off her doubt. ..

Must be  a kidnapper. ..perhaps. ..a good kidnapper. .!!

  She herself concluded and tried to get some sleep. ...


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