Honestly Is the Best Policy

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Third Person Pov

Blaine Anderson was a wizard, but not just any wizard, oh no, he was an evil wizard. And this evil wizard had an assistant. That assistant's name was Kurt Hummel. Why Kurt Hummel decided to work for an evil wizard was beyond everyone. Blaine was working on a new potion. Well I really shouldn't say potion, no, it was a poison. If successful the person that took the poison would only be able to tell the truth and nothing but the truth for the rest of their lives. "Oh Kurt," Blaine called. Kurt came running at the wizard's call. "I need you to try a new poi...I mean potion of mine," He quickly corrected himself before his assistant caught on.

The potion was a dark purple color. The color made Kurt nervous. He timidly took the potion from the wizard's cold hard hand. He nervously put the potion up to his lips and Blaine looked at him. "Just take the potion already." Kurt, not wanting to upset the wizard gulped the potion down. He stuck his tongue out because the potion tasted down right awful. Kurt started coughing uncontrollablely. He watched in horror as his skin turned even more paler than it already was and as his once blue veins turned purple. "What...did you d-do?" Kurt asked as he looked at Blaine.

Blaine chuckled. Not a normal chuckle, but a deep low evil one. "From now on you will live with the curse of only being able to say the truth and nothing but the truth." Blaine then snicked,"After all honesty is the best policy." Kurt felt like he could fade right there on the floor, the cold hard floor of the wizard's lab. "Oh, how I would love to try this out." Kurt glared at him hard. "Oh, and staying silent wouldn't work because this potion is ruthless and it will force you to open up that little pretty mouth of yours to speak the truth." Blaine chuckled again. "Oh, I'm just dying to ask you some questions."

Blaine wanted to torture his assistant with his questions. The first question sounded innocent enough, but it wasn't. "What do you dream about?" Kurt didn't want to tell him, but he unfortunately had no choice. Oh, how embarrassing it would be for him. Kurt stuttered when he answered, "Y-you." Kurt looked down, his eyes not meeting the wizard's. "How exactly do you dream about me?" Blaine asked. It must be good if his assistant wouldn't ever dare look him in the eyes. Kurt's cheeks grew bright pink as he mumbled, "I dream that you're...k-kissing me and telling me how...b-beautiful I am. That you look at me...like I-I'm the most precious thing in the world."

Kurt couldn't believe that he spewed one of his deepest darkest secrets to Blaine. If wasn't like Kurt could help it, for he couldn't help what he dreamed about. Blaine for the first time on his life was shocked. That couldn't be possible. Out of all the things his assistant could dream about, why him? And why specifically that? For once Blaine was taken back and that more than anything scared him. What had he been excepting when he asked his assistant the question? Well, certainly not that. But it couldn't possibly mean anything, right? After all it was just a dream, right? If wasn't like his assistant held any feelings for him, right?

Blaine found his head to be swarming with a million questions. Questions that he couldn't seem to answer. Right in front of his eyes Kurt could see that Blaine was breaking. That he was malfunctioning. Blaine being way be curious for his own good asked, "D-do you...have f-feelings for...me?" For some weird reason Blaine was nervous asking the question. The evil dark cold-hearted cocky Blaine had disappeared. "Y-yes," Kurt stuttered. The truth was that, Kurt have had feelings for the wizard for quite some time now.

Kurt had never acted on them of course. What would Blaine have thought if he had did such a thing? Kurt never told him, because he was afaird. He was afaird of the wizard firing him and replacing him with another assistant. Blaine was frozen. How could someone feel such a thing, like someone, like...him? A monster like him. Blaine had thought of himself as a monster since he could remember. No one cared about him, ever since he was a baby he was left on his own. Blaine never knew why. How did I ever survive? Again all these questions ran wild inside of the wizard's head.

Kurt having seen enough got up and shook the wizard wildly. "Stop it!" He screamed. Kurt's desperate scream seemed to snap Blaine out of the deep dark hole that he had buried himself in. "You just can't!" Blaine screamed. "It doesn't make any sense!" Tears poured down Blaine's face angrily. "You're supposed to hate me like anyone else!" Blaine pulled away from Kurt. "You can't care about me, you were just supposed to be my worthless assistant!" Blaine yelled all this at Kurt. And the whole time Kurt stood as strong as a stone. The worthless assistant part bothered him a bit, but he didn't let it faze him.

He could see just how much pain the wizard was in. He could tell that the wizard was truly breaking down. A wrecking ball had finally came and smashed down his walls lefting debris and destruction in it's path. Kurt pulled the wizard into a tight hug and then he pulled away and did something that shocked them both. Kurt put his lips on Blaine's and to his great surprise the wizard kissed him back. The kiss spoke all the words that they couldn't possibly express. Magically color came back to Kurt's skin leaving it glowing and his veins returned to their healthy blue color. Kurt surprisely felt stronger than ever and Blaine felt something he had never felt before, love.

Hey guys. Hoped you guys enjoyed. I know this was kinda of cheesey and kinda of unrealistic. I think that people like the Blaine in this story just don't change overnight. The idea for this oneshot came from an early draft that I had previously written called, "Truth Serum." I also got some inspiration off the broadway, "Phantom of the Opera." If you guys have any suggestions for "I" let me know. Again thank-you for all the adds, votes, and reads.

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