Cheerleader/Badboy Kurt And Nerd Blaine

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Kurt's Pov

I smirked to myself as I walked down the hall, swinging my hips. "Like the view." I smirked over my shoulder as I looked at Blaine. I chucked quietly as Blaine's face turned bright scarlet. "Nerd." I muttered under my breathe. I walked down the hall and I watched in amusement as boys and girls practically drooled over me. I walked up to a girl who had long legs, bright blue innocent eyes, and blond hair that was wrapped tightly in a ponytail. My eyes scanned over her body and right away I could tell that like me she was also a cheerleader. "She isn't too bad looking." I whispered quietly so the girl wouldn't hear me.

"What was that Hummel?" a girl with black hair that was also wrapped in a ponytail, tan, with dark brown eyes asked angily, her arms crossed tightly over her chest. I stared at her with a hard, long, cold glance. I completely ingored her as I leaned closer to the girl with blond hair. "Did you sit in a pile of sugar? Cause you have a pretty sweet ass." I whispered in the shell of her ear. I smirked as she turned crismon. "Come on Brit." the tan girl growled as she pulled on the cheerleader's arm harshly. "He's not worth our time." she spat as she grabbed her hand.

Timeskip(after first period- science)

Mrs. Adams looked at me over her bright red regular glasses. Her brown hair was tight in a bun with a pencil going though the middle and her lips would pressed in a tight line. "Mr. Hummel... " she began as she looked down at a cream colored folder. "You are doing quite poorly in my class, and I'm pretty sure Sue told you what the requirments order to be a cheerleader." my science teacher explained in a tone of annoyed and worried. I just looked at her, gesturing with my facial expression that I wanted her to contince. "So... " she heistated before contining. "I asked Blaine if he can tutor you and he said... yes." Mrs. Adams looked at me with hopeful eyes. 

"Blaine!" I shrieked. "But he's such a nerd, couldn't you ask someone else." I begged. "...Blaine was my only hope Mr. Hummel, I asked others but they all said no." my teacher sighed. "Plus Blaine's a very good student, he's polite, always a gentleman, and he always gets straight A's." she praised. I just rolled my eyes at this. That's all I ever heard from my teachers, Blaine this and Blaine that. I got up from my chair that was in front of her desk and I was about to left when Mrs. Adams yelled, "Today after school!" I just groaned as I exited the classroom. I walked down the hallway and I saw Blaine digging though his locker. I laughed lightly as he started babbling to himself. "He is kinda of cute." I admitted.

I stared at Blaine and I found myself sighing dreamily. I saw Blaine starting to turn his head and I immediately put on my best poker face. He glazed at me for a second, his cheeks turing pink before he went back to going though his locker.

Timeskip(after school)

Across from me was Blaine and between us was a stack of text books. I looked at Blaine and I had to suck in my breathe. He was... beautiful, was that weird to say, his hair was gelled back in a hard helmet but some strays of hair managed to break free, he had soft olive skin, and he was wearing a bright,  multi colored patterned button-up shirt. Over that he was wearing a dark grey button-up vest with pockets, he was also wearing a watch and an bright orange bowtie with blue stripes. What mostly drew me in was his... eyes, his innocent bright hazel eyes that you could see perfectly though his black regular glasses. "Kurt." Blaine whispered shyly. I snapped out of it at the sound of Blaine's voice.

"Should we get started?" Blaine asked nervously. "I guess so." I huffed annoyed. Blaine opened a book and he started pointing and babbling as he ran though multiple pages. I tried my best to keep up, but I found myself failing miserably. Blaine looked down at his watch as he pushed his glasses up his nose with one finger. "Well...looks like time is up." Blaine mumbled sadly. I looked at Blaine surprised, was Blaine actually... sad? I wondered. No, I said in my head, you can't just start caring about people's feelings. Blaine is only here to tutor me so I can still be a cheerleader. A cheerleader... I thought. Why was I a cheerleader?

It wasn't like it was fun with Sue yelling at him all the time. I was so deep in thought that I didn't notice that Blaine had his hand on top of mine. I suddenly looked down and when I saw our hands, I froze. Our eyes locked and Blaine looked at me nervously. I pulled my hand away and tears started to fill mine eyes as I joted out my chair. I looked at Blaine one last time before I ran as quickly as I could out of the room. I ran down the hallway and I could hear foot steps behind me so I started to run faster. I turned a corner as I ran straight into the auditorium. I looked around and I ran to the stage. Tears would flowing down my face as I started humming lightly. "Nobody ever treated me kindly."

"Daddy left early, Mama was poor." No one loves the real me, they all love the fake me. "I'd meet a man and I'd follow him blindly." I never stay in relationships. I flirt and then we hook-up. I mean, what's the point of love? "He'd snap his fingers me I'd say, "Sure." I was singing with passion in my voice, when I sing my walls come down. I never felt more open and vulnerable, just singing my heart out. I stopped my singing when suddenly the most beautiful voice I had ever heard rang though the auditorium.  "Lift up your head, wash off your mascara Here, take my Kleenex, wipe that lipstick away. Show me your face clean as the mornin', I know things were bad but now they're okay."

I looked as Blaine walked towards the stage. He walked over to me and he took his thumb and gently wiped the tears away from the my eyes. He smiled sympathetically at me. "Suddenly, Seymour is standing beside you." Blaine sang lovely as he grabbed my hand. I looked down and smiled as our fingers intertwined like puzzle pieces. "You don't need no make-up don't have to pretend Suddenly, Seymour is here to provide you Sweet understandin', Seymour's your friend." Blaine wrapped his arms around mine waist as I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Suddenly, Seymour is standing beside me, He don't give me orders, he don't condescend. Suddenly, Seymour is here to provide me Sweet understanding, Seymour's my friend." I started singing.

Our eyes locked and I started to giggle. Blaine pulled away from me, still holding onto my hand. I wrapped my arm around his neck and he wrapped his arm around the small of my back as we moved together in a twirl, I leaned my head back as I looked up at him. Blaine smiled as he held his grip on me from above and I held my grip on him from below. Blaine nervouly looked at me as he slowly closed the gap between us. Blaine pressed his lips against mine and I kissed back as our lips started moving together. I slipped my tougue into Blaine's mouth and I felt him moan in my mouth.

Our tougues dancing around each other, until we ended the kiss. We both looked at each breathlessly. Blaine's turned scarlet as he looked at me. "You take my breathe away." I breathed dreamily as I looked up into Blaine's hazel eyes. We both came up as we let go of each other. Blaine started singing again "Tell me this feeling last 'til forever. Tell me the bad times are clean washed away." He sang soulfully as he looked at me. "Please understand that it's still strange and frightening For losers like I've been it's so hard to say." I sang directly back to Blaine.

"Suddenly, Seymour (Suddenly, Seymour) He purified me (He purified you)." Mine and Blaine's voices rang out in perfect hamory.
Suddenly, Seymour (Suddenly, Seymour)
Showed me I can (Yes, you can)." We walked closer to each other and our hands linked together. "Learn how to be more The girl that's inside me (The girl that's inside you)" At that moment it was just me and Blaine singing to each other and it was like labels didn't matter. When I looked at Blaine I saw so much more than the shy nerd kid. I saw a caring, understanding, sweet, gentlemen, and totally talented kid. "With sweet (With sweet understanding)With sweet understanding (With sweet understanding)
With sweet understanding" Our voices faded as the song came to an end. I hugged Blaine, tears rolling down my cheeks.

"Thank-you." I mouthed against his shoulder. "Your welcome." I felt Blaine mouth back. Titles didn't matter with us. We saw each other not only with our eyes but with our hearts too.

Hoped you guys enjoyed. I thought this would be cool to write. The next letter is "D" and I was thinking about a Dom/Sub chapter, but I'm not sure if I can write it well. I could also do like, a chapter called, "Dads" about Kurt and Blaine becoming parents or just a chapter about them spending time with their kids. My last idea is "Dear", where ethier Kurt or Blaine write a letter to the other or maybe they sent the letters back and forth. Let me know in the comments which one you like the best. Also could someone give me some advice on writing fluff, everytime I try to write it something bad or sad ends up happening. Thank-you to all my wonderful puppies(readers, voters, etc.)

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