Lit(Tagged 2)

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I was tagged by nerdgirl0416 and I had to name this tag, "Lit", state thirteen facts about me, and tag fifteen people.

1. I like watching My Little Pony(Don't judge me)

2. My favorite Klaine fanfiction at the moment is, "Go Your Own Way", by Zavocado

3. I really like poetry, here's a poem I wrote based off the first two chapters of, "The Sidhe"(Klaine):

To Save Me And You

His whole life changed,
the moment he saw blue eyes.
It was love at first sight.
As he stared into the creature’s eyes there was a thin layer painted,
of glaze so to speak.
A creature with fierce eyes,
there was fire in those eyes, but...if you
would to really look deep into the pools of blue and green... the orbs would tell
an another story.
Humans are ruthless thought the
He was locked into a cage that
seemed to close in on him.
The Prince laughed bitterly
to himself, “I like to see him break
like a glass vase...into millions
of pieces so small that no
one...will be able to
fix him.” The male with hazel
eyes wept in his room.
How could the world be so cruel?
We are locked up in a
cage, in chains, to lock him in
chains and treat him
like a toy. The male screamed
in frustration into his pillow,
tears of rage and pain
soaking his pillow. I want you,
desire you...but why? I feel your pain, I hear your cries...for there is nothing
I can do. Tight in a ball,
locked away from the
world, a winter storm in your
eyes. I know what he has
done to you, he has beat
you...abuse you. Come with
me for it has been a week
and my heart is breaking
slowly...each time I catch your
eyes. You built up a wall and
you pretend I’m not there.
He is merely a human…
why should I trust him? Is he selfish,
does he see me as some toy…
whose only purpose is for pleasing humans?
The male looked at him and sighed.
“Let’s go.”, the creature mumbled
quietly and quickly as
he looked at the male,
whose eyes reflected
differently than the prince’s cold...malicious eyes. Away we must...away
from here, somewhere better.
Quick before they catch us.
Upon the tucked in the back and me in the front. A slash…and...a whip.
Together we ride far into the night...we must get away.

4. I have several beanie babies, one of which is an owl that I named Finn(After the Finn in Glee)

5. I have a dream board

6. I love pokemon

7. This is why I started watching Glee: I started watching, "The Flash", with my dad and siblings and towards the end of season three they had this musical episode(I'm a sucker for musicals) and I found Grant Gustin's (Barry Allen) voice to be amazing so after the episode I went over to YouTube and looked up, "Grant Gustin singing" and these videos with the word, "Glee" in thier titles showed up, so then I became curious about what this show named, "Glee", was about. I originally watched Glee to watch Grant Gustin sing but as soon as I watched, "Never Been Kissed"(episode 6), in season two I fell in love with Klaine. When Season three rolled around I was obsessed with Klaine and when Sebastian came into the picture for the very first time I was really annoyed. Sebastian just continued to annoy me as the show went on(I mean come on dude, I know Blaine is good looking and all but you need to move on, can't you see that Kurt and Blaine are soul mates?).

8. My top five female singers are:
1. Whitney Houston
2. Amy Winehouse
3. Adele
4. Shakira
5. Pink!

9. I really like photography

10. I have bad writer's block right now(I can't think of any good ideas for the letter D for my klaine one shot book)

11. My top four favorite authors are:
1. Sarah Weeks
2. Elizabeth Dami
3. Dr. Suess
4. Dav Pilkey

12. I love learning about the Egyptian culture

13. My favorite sculpture is, "The Thinker"

(You don't have to)


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