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Third Person

Every couple has their moment when they feel different emotions, happiness, angrier, sadness, fear, embarrassment, nervousness, and contentment. Kurt and Blaine loved each dearly and everyone around them could tell that, but Kurt and Blaine aren't perfect, just like every other couple they too had their moments.


Kurt skipped happily into his house after having a date with Blaine at the Liam Bean. The biggest grin was on his face. Burt laughed when he looked at his son. "Do you need help in the shop, dad?" Kurt asked as he bounced lightly on the balls of his feet. Burt looked at his son like he was crazy. He looked at his son and the big grin that was on his face still hadn't gone away. Burt hadn't seen his son look that happy since his mother had died. He thought about it for a second, before the wheels in his brain started clicking. His son must be in love, that's why he looked so happy, but who was the lucky boy? Burt just smiled. "And who's the lucky boy that made my son so happy?" Burt laughed as he looked at Kurt. Kurt giggled as he blushed. "Blaine.", Kurt liked the way the name just rolled off his tongue. "Blaine." Burt said as he pondered the name in his head, that name sounded familiar.

Of course, that was the name of the boy that his son couldn't stop talking about. That was the boy who Kurt went to the Liam Bean with. "How was your date?" Burt asked. Kurt smiled. He looked at his dad and sighed happily, "It was... amazing." "Blaine just makes me so happy, dad" Kurt smiled for the umpteenth time that day. "I'm glad he makes you happy, kiddo." Burt said as he ruffled up his son's soft chestnut hair.


It had been a bad idea to go to Scandals and Kurt knew it. When they walked out Kurt could tell that his boyfriend was drunk. Kurt didn't even think he could walk in a straight line. They were walking to the car and Kurt was trying to get Blaine into the back seat which was proving difficult. "Let's just do it," Blaine said as he looked at Kurt. "Blaine..." Kurt sighed. "Kurt, I want to do it." He protested as he fought against Kurt who was still trying to get him in the backseat. "Blaine!" Kurt shouted he was starting to get annoyed. "Kurt, don't you want to do it too?" he asked as he looked at his boyfriend confused. Kurt sighed, "Not when you're drunk." "I'm not drunk, just get into the backseat with me baby." Blaine protested. "Yes, you are," Kurt shouted. "Don't you see that I don't want to have sex," he yelled, at his point, he didn't care who heard.

"Well, I'm sorry for trying to be spontaneous and fun," Blaine shouted back as he pushed his way out of the car. Kurt watched as his boyfriend started walking away. He wanted to shout something back but he didn't, instead, he just huffed and turned sharply towards his car.


How could his boyfriend do such a thing? His Blaine, a cheater, Kurt couldn't believe it. He felt empty inside. What were you supposed to do when the only person who could fix you was the person that broke you. Kurt wanted so badly for all of this not to be true because he missed his boyfriend. What did he miss, well... everything? He felt betrayed and hurt. The worst part was that his boyfriend cheated on him with some random guy. How was some random guy more important than him? Kurt never saw it coming. He was sating on the couch in his apartment that he shared with Rachel and Santana in New York. Watching Moulin Rouge was only making him feel worse.

He sang along quietly to a song that was playing as tears ran down his face. The song reminded him of Blaine. Kurt remembered how he and Blaine talked about how they wanted to sing, "Come What May" at their wedding. "Are you crying?" Rachel and Santana asked at the same time as they looked at their friend worriedly. "No." Kurt lied as he wiped his tears. As the line, "But I love you until the end of time", played he sighed sadly.

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