Apple Tree

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Third Person Pov

Ever since Kurt was a little kid his favorite place in the whole wide world was the apple tree in his backyard. Kurt loved the apple tree. He loved to climb the tree, pick apples from it, and when he felt lazy he would lay against the tree and its leaves would protect him from the sun. Kurt would always dreamed about showing his boyfriend the tree. When Kurt was eight years old he knew that he was gay and his parents loved him and supported him.

Kurt sat on his bed with his legs crossed and sitting in front of him was his boyfriend Blaine. Kurt sat there and smiled as his boyfriend talked about unfair it was that he couldn't wear gel to the prom. Blaine finally stopped and he looked at Kurt. "You weren't playing attention were you?" Blaine asked. Kurt just shook his head. Blaine looked at Kurt and sighed. "You know you have a problem with hair gel and besides I think you look cute without it." Kurt said as he smiled a bit. Blaine shook his head, disagreeing with his boyfriend. Kurt was sitting there when he suddenly got an idea. "Hey Blaine do you want to go outside." Kurt asked. Blaine looked at Kurt coufused.

"But it's so hot out." Blaine whined. "It's nice out Blaine and besides you don't get out very often." Kurt smirked. Blaine just rolled his eyes. "Fine" Blaine mumbled. Kurt smiled as he grabbed his boyfriend's hand and yanked him off the bed. "Mom, Dad, Blaine and I are going out!" Kurt shouted. "Okay!" Burt and Elizabeth shouted back in unison. Kurt opened the door and immediatly he and Blaine would hit by tge rays of the bright sun. "My eyes!" Blaine shrieked. "Oh, stop being a baby." Kurt said as he rolled his eyes. Blaine just gave his boyfriend a pout. Kurt and Blaine walked thought the bright sunny backyard and until Kurt pulled them to a stop.

"Close your eyes." Kurt whispered into the shell of Blaine's ear. Kurt's warm breathe sent shivers down Blaine's spine. Blaine closed his eyes, completely trusting his boyfriend. Kurt grabbed onto one of Blaine's hand and he stepped foward as he pulled his boyfriend behind him. They soon reached Kurt's destination. "Open your eyes." Kurt whispered in Blaine's ear. Blaine opened his eyes and he was met with a big tree with bright red shining apples. "You have an apple tree?" Blaine asked as he looked at Kurt. Kurt nodded. "Yeah, my mom planted it when she was a little girl."


"Lizzy, can you pass me the plant.", Elisabeth's mom Shelley asked. Elizabeth picked up the little plant gently and she passed it to her mom. Shelley gently placed the plant inside the hole. "Lizzie can you put dirt over the plant?" her mom asked. Lizzie nodded as she filled the hole with dirt. She then pushed some dirt around the plant to keep it in plant. "There." she smiled as she bushed her hands together to get rid of the dirt. "Now Lizzie you need to make sure to keep care of this plant so it can grow into a big strong apple tree one day.", Shelley said in a stern but kind voice. "Yes mom." Lizzie responded. Lizzie couldn't help the big smile on her face as she looked down at the little tree.

Present Time

"It must be very special to her." Blaine said as he looked the tree up and down. "Yeah it is...this tree is very special to us Hummels." Kurt said as he looked at the tree in pure awe. "My mom and dad had their first date here, my mom told my dad she was pregnant with me here.", Kurt said as he thought about his two parents.  Blaine smiled at his boyfriend. "Come here." Kurt said as he gestured for his boyfriend to follow him to the tree. Blaine followed him as Kurt sat down against the truck of the apple tree. Kurt reached up and he grabbed both of Blaine's hands as he pulled him down. Kurt wrapped his arms around his boyfriend. Blaine hummed as he buried his head into the crook of Kurt's neck.

"You know this is my favorite place to hang out." Kurt said. "Mmm..." Blaine hummed. "It's not hot under here." Blaine said but his voice sounded muffled. "Yeah...the leaves block the sun." Kurt said as he smiled down at his boyfriend. Kurt and Blaine sat there in a comfortable silence, just enjoying the other boy's company. Elizabeth held her husband's hand as she looked at the two boys with a smile on her face. "He really loves that apple tree doesn't he?" Elizabeth asked as she looked at her husband. "Yeah...he does." Burt said as looked at his son who had his arms wrapped around his boyfriend. "Do you think they love each other?", Burt asked his wife. "Yes." Elizabeth said simply.

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