Gentleman (Unfinished Draft)

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Note: I'm posting this because I don't feel like deleting it. I lost my inspiration to finish this. If anyone wants to continue this just like me know in the comments. Hope you guys enjoy this short draft (I'm sorry).

Kurt's Pov (Kurt and Blaine are eight years old)

I giggled as my friend Blaine chased me."I'm going to get you Kurt!" I heard him yell. I was running until I tripped over something and fell. I fell into the grass and I noticed that I had ruined my favorite pair of pants. I started crying. I felt embarrassed that I was crying in front of Blaine. Blaine looked at me worried. "Are you crying?" he asked. I could hear the alarm in his voice. I didn't say anything to him. I had my knees up to my chest and tears would running down my cheeks. I looked next to me and I noticed that Blaine was sitting next to me. In his hand there was a bright red flower.

"That flower's pretty," I whispered. "Just like you," Blaine said as he handed me the flower. I blushed. Blaine looked at me and smiled. My tears stopped and a smile appeared on my face. I held onto the flower and I hugged my best friend. "Thank-you," I whispered. "Your welcome," he whispered back. In that moment I felt better. I eventually let go and Blaine got up. He held his hand out to me. I smiled as I grabbed his hand. Blaine pulled me to my feet but he frowned. "Kurt, you got your clothes dirty." Blaine knew me better than anyone.

"Yeah," I sighed sadly. "It's okay, they just need washed. Let's go inside, so you can change, okay?" Blaine said as he looked at me. "Okay," I replied as I nodded. We both want inside my house and my mom took one look at me before asking, "What happened sweetie?" "I fell," I said as I looked at her. I didn't notice that I was holding Blaine's hand until I looked down. Our linked hands would swinging between us. "Are you okay?" she asked, showing the same alarm in her voice as Blaine did. "I'm fine, my pants weren't so lucky."

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