chapter three: thunder

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after taehyung finished his shift in the cafe, his eyes felt as if they sagged to the floor.

it had been three days since the strange boy stumbled into his life, and since then, the blonde had gotten little sleep. jeongguk made him think.

who is he?

he shook himself out of his thoughts and yelled his goodbyes to the manager in the back, although probably going unheard of.

the city streets were littered with people of all ages, all races; the diversity is what taehyung really loved about where he lived. as he walked, neon signs glowed on his skin, cars beeped in the trafficked roads, and the humidity was rising.

he could tell that another storm was brewing, and that put a grin on his face. the clouds we're huddled, the sky was overcast. the blonde boy didn't care about the 'gloominess' of it all, for the stars were never visible through the pollution anyway.

one drop. four drops. the rain started to plummet down to the earth, and taehyung pulled up his hood.

he began to whistle as he dodged passerby on the sidewalk. however, he failed at dodging one particular boy.

"ah!" shrieked a familiar voice as he tripped into an empty alley.

oh God, oh God, oh GOD.

"oh my goodness are you okay? do you need me to call the ER!? what should i-" taehyung stopped short of his panicked rambling when he saw who he really bumped into.

out of everyone it could have possibly been it had to be-


the boy who got knocked over froze. his hands shook and he struggled to sit up.

"jengguk," the blonde repeated again, "is that you?"

at that very moment, an unearthly loud rumble erupted through the atmosphere.

taehyung watched in horror as the boy in front of him began to violently shake, his breathing speeding to an irrational tempo.

"th-thunder," the boy cried out.

the blonde was no longer unable to move. adrenaline pumped through his veins, and he did the only thing he could think to do.

he scooped the vulnerable boy off the ground and into his arms.

"w-what are y-" a choked sob came from taehyung's arms.

he didn't reply, but started to his apartment.

people he passed on the sidewalk gave him judging looks, but that only made him go faster. he didn't care. in his eyes, he was doing a good deed.


a few twists, turns, and paces later, they arrived at the apartment. well, at least one of them did. jeongguk looked barely conscious.

taehyung fidgeted with his key and rushed into his complex. it was harder than he thought holding a boy his size while trying to unlock a door. his adrenaline was working wonders on his muscles.

"shit, shit, shit," he muttered as he rushed to the couch. he didn't realize how much his arms hurt until he laid the poor boy on the couch. he draped jeongguk in his softest blanket, which was covered in a subtle sunflower print.

the blonde boy exhaled a long breath and took in the sight in front of him.

curled on the couch was jeongguk, lips parted slightly, and hair plastered to his forehead. he was in a deep sleep, as taehyung inferred from the rising and falling of his chest.

taehyung simply slumped himself down to the carpeted floor and rested his head in his hands.

what am i going to do now?

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