chapter two: introduce yourself

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the boy that entered the shop was not what taehyung had been expecting at such a peculiar hour.

the barista found him fascinating. his auburn hair, his starry doe eyes, his loose green rain jacket, navy blue rain boots; all of these things not gone unnoticed to the blonde.

tears were streaming down the face of the frightened boy, and taehyung had a mini panic within his thoughts.

fuck... um, what do I do? how the hell am i supposed to help some random guy in my cafe? who is crying?

"h-elp?" the doe eyed male muttered out. his voice broke between his words.

without question, taehyung rushed over to his side and looked him in the eyes.

"are you- um, what's wrong?"

"l-lightning. thunder. i-i know it's stupid b-but it scares me."

with no warning, sniffles turned to sobs, and the barista gave the boy a spur-of-the-moment hug.

"im so sorry. is there, uh, anything i can do?" taehyung mentally slapped himself for being so awkward.

the boy broke the embrace and whispered, "make the thunder stop."

taehyung made a shaky laugh.

"i make coffee for a living-..."


so that's his name, huh.

the blonde stared and caused a sudden silence. he couldn't lie. jeongguk was a pretty boy.

by this time, the tears had stopped rolling down the smooth cheeks of the auburn haired boy.

"well," the barista started, "my name is taehyung. would you like some coffee or something of the sort?" he chuckled lightly. he put on a professional face to try and forget what just happened.

jeongguk followed taehyung to the counter and sat down before replying.

"peach tea," he said.

the blonde boy raised an eyebrow.

"okay... it's just from our fridge, not fresh," he handed a pink bottle to his guest and sat across from him at the mini-bar.

after not getting a reply from jeongguk, he spoke up again.

"tell me about yourself," he said.

this caught the boy's attention. he looked up, looked down, looked absolutely everywhere as if the walls would answer for him.

taehyung cocked his head to the side and watched jeongguk closely.

the boy slowly cowered under the intense gaze of the blonde, ears red, cheeks rosy.

"there's nothing to tell."

just then, the rain slowed to a sprinkle, causing a breath of relief to leave jeongguk's lips. with that, he stood up, rustling his oversized coat, and went towards the door.

taehyung noticed that the boy left something behind with wide eyes.

"wait! you left your tea over-" his words were cut off when he heard the door slam for a second time tonight. he sighed with and eyeroll and slumped back down.

that boy, i swear...

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