Chapter 25: Late Night Bad Ideas

Start from the beginning

As Ahmed broke into a smile, a warm feeling took over me. A million things were running through my mind but the one thing that I registered was that I was insanely relieved that this didn't change anything between us. Ahmed still wanted to be friends and that really meant a lot to me.

Zhang however just stood there, stunned with this new revelation. I couldn't care less about what he thought, but clearly Vance did as he nervously awaited his reaction.

"'re gay?" he asked.

" I dunno...I just, kinda maybe like guys? I just really like Zaavan..."

"If you don't mind me asking, Zaavan are you gay?" Ahmed asked. I don't know why, but as I nodded, guilt and embarrassment flooded through me. I know I shouldn't feel this bad about being gay, but I guess it was still hard for me to accept. Having grown up in such a conservative town didn't help either.

Ahmed smiled warmly. "That's totally cool."

"Why didn't you tell me that before?" blurted Zhang.

"Hey, it's fine. It takes courage to come out. People do it at their own pace and when they're ready," said Ahmed.

"No it's just...I feel like such a dick for saying those things at the game the other day...and...shit, Vance I didn't mean it like that! God, I'm such an idiot. I didn't even think that maybe you liked guys and that was why you were asking me-"

"Hey, don't worry about it," said Vance relieved. "I know you're not a homophobic asshole. You didn't know..."

"But it's not okay for me to have said that stuff. Man, I'm so sorry for sounding so unsupportive. I don't give a shit about who you guys date. It's your life. You guys wanna date boys, go ahead. I'm cool with that. You'll both still be my friends, no matter what. Damn, I really need to think more before I speak." Yeah, I wouldn't consider Zhang my friend but anyways...

Vance was so relieved, he jumped over and pulled Zhang into one of those "bro hugs." Zhang laughed and ruffled Vance's hair in return.

"Um, can you guys also not tell anyone about this..." I said.

"I won't, I swear," said Ahmed firmly.

"My lips are sealed," added Zhang.

"Now, are we going to play some ball or what?" asked Ahmed as he grabbed his basketball.

"Let's do this thing!" said Zhang as he whipped off his shirt and threw it aside. We all automatically looked over at him and I couldn't help but let my eyes trail down his bare torso. Crap, he actually looked pretty good...

"Oh shoot. Is this weird for you guys?" asked Zhang.

"Not unless you make it weird," snorted Vance.

"Cool, let's go then!"

It was a pretty close game. We were just shooting hoops and the first team to 10 would win. It was pretty close but at the last second, Vance threw me the ball and I shot it into the hoop, breaking the tie.

Now the four of us were pretty competitive and bragging rights were always the best prize.

"In your faces!" I cried at a smiling Ahmed who was shaking his head and a slightly pissed Zhang.

"Beat that suckers!" cried Vance while doing his victory dance. What I didn't expect though was for Vance to run up to me and crash his lips onto mine. I completely forget about everyone else as I kissed him back, wrapping my arms around his waist to pull him closer. Vance in turn tangled his hands in my hair.

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