-ˏˋ seventh ˊˎ-

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When the group arrived at Geneo Grissom's penthouse, it was clear that it was more than just a "party." The football player was throwing more of a banger, as it looked more like one of those stereotypical high school parties that were often shown in movies. Red Solo cups were everywhere she looked, music was blasting from every corner, and there were a ton of drunk idiots.

So yeah, typical.

Devon was never much for drinking. Sure, it was fun to let go every now and then, but she never liked the idea of not being in control of her actions. Her friends had been belligerent blackout drunks who drank a fifth like it was no problem, but she was always wary about her drinks.

But tonight was one of those nights to let go.

She started off by having a tall glass of whatever the crowd around her was drinking. It was bitter, as per usual, and Julian laughed as she crinkled her nose. "Not one for vodka, huh?"

Devon smiled. "Not really."

"Dev, you don't have to drink that if you don't want to." Julian had his hand on her shoulder comfortingly, but all Devon could see when she looked around her was person after person downing drink after drink. She didn't want to be the odd one out.

"I want to." With that, Devon squeezed her eyes closed and downed the rest of the drink that tasted like nail polish remover and attempted to smile at him.

Julian could see the distaste in her eyes from the alcohol but instead changed the subject. "So, how can a guy go about changing your favorite football player from Obj to Julian Edelman?"

She grinned at the fact that Julian had remembered one of their first conversations. "Maybe by teaching me how to throw a football?"

He gasped playfully. "My girlfriend doesn't know how to throw a football?"

"I'm not your girlfriend!" She squealed in response, unable to hold back a giggle.

"Hmm," he tapped his chin in thought. "Might have to change that." Devon was blushing like crazy - she was thankful that the lights were dim. Julian noticed his acute ability to make her nervous and took a mental note as he grabbed her hand and began tugging her outside. "For now let's focus on teaching you how to throw a football, huh?"

She looked down at their hands as he led the way and nearly blushed even more. Her palm was unbelievably tiny beneath his giant hand. That was when she looked up at the rest of Julian and saw just how much he towered over her. He definitely had her by a few inches, that was clear.

"Alright, you ready to become a pro?" He asked once they were out onto the grass. On the way outside, she had grabbed a few more drinks off of counters and tables and downed them, and once her feet hit the dirt, she was feeling a little tipsy.

"Are you ready to watch an already pro become an even better pro?" She countered, hands on hips.

Julian chuckled, realizing just how intoxicated she was. "Woah," his arm shot out to catch her just as she began to trip. He felt like Jim in the Dundies episode of The Office when Pam was banned from Chili's. "Is there really a status above professional?"

"There sure is, and you're about to see it." She grabbed the football from him and it fell right out of her grasp. "The hell?"

Julian burst out laughing. "Oh my god, it's too big for your hand!"

Devon glared at him, crossing her arms. "First of all, rude. Second of all, no it's not!" She stomped her foot and reached down for the ball again, squealing angrily when it slipped out of her hand once more. "What is happening?" Devon demanded, the liquor starting to hit her a bit more as she pouted.

"What's happening is you're too tiny and cute to hold the football," Julian teased her, cupping her cheeks with his huge hands and smoothing her hair back, "and it's friggin' adorable."

She growled, or at least attempted to, because it sounded more like a light grumble than anything else. "Lemme try again." This time, she squeezed the football tightly, just barely holding onto the thing. Her face lit up, and she turned to Julian with the biggest grin he'd ever seen. "You go catch?"

Realizing she was beginning to slur her words, Julian chuckled yet deep down he worried for her. "You sure you wanna play right now, honey?"

Her cheeks flamed at 'honey' but she ignored it and instead began readying her arm for the throw. "Run, Jules!"

He took a deep breath at her unbelievable stubbornness that seemed to stick with her even through her drunken state and ran a few paces in front of her. "I'm ready, bubs." He held his hands up in the position Tom Brady would probably recognize as the touchdown-scoring-one, and she giggled, realizing she was Tom Brady.

"Go looooooong!" She slurred, throwing the ball to Julian. He caught it and was actually quite surprised and impressed with the throw from the drunken girl who formerly could not fit her tiny fist around the ball, but his thoughts were cut short when he saw Devon's legs beginning to fail her.

In other words, the girl was about to fall to her feet. He sprinted towards her, dropping the ball, and quickly caught her in his arms before she plummeted to the floor. He was about to scold her for her drinking habits until she smiled lazily at him and whispered, "You never drop the ball, stupid. That's a fumble."

Julian couldn't help the wicked grin that fought its way onto his lips. He set her back on her feet, chuckling, but his laughter cut short when she started leaning on him like a crutch. "Devon, how much did you drink?"

"I drank some shtuff on the way outside. And some when we got outside. And some more when you weren't looking."

Well, shit. That was straight to the point.

He narrowed his eyes at her, wanting to be angry at her not taking care of herself the way he'd hoped, but realized A) it wasn't his place and B) he couldn't stay mad once he looked at that beautiful face. "Do you even know what you were offered?"

"Blue stuff," she shrugged, like it was perfectly normal to accept mixed drinks from strangers at a stranger's party. "Oovoo Blue?"

Scoffing out a laugh, Julian shook his head at her. "UV Blue gets you fucked up, and very fast."

Devon gasped at Julian when she heard him swear. "Pssshhh!!!!" She put her finger to his lips, looking quite appalled. "Don't say that."

"Well, I'mtellingthetruth," Julian argued against a perfectly manicured finger. He grabbed her hand and pulled it away from his mouth, instead lacing his fingers through hers. "Never let someone else mix your drinks if you don't know them. And don't drink three cups of UV Blue. Okay?"

Devon saluted him with her free hand. "Yes chief," she giggled. "Back inside?"

Julian was already ahead of her, tugging her behind him. She stumbled close at his heels, and they walked in silence for a few minutes until she broke it. "Hey, can I ask you something?"

Her voice sounded serious for the first time that night, and he turned suddenly, concerned. "Yes, of course, anything. What is it?"

She looked away, like what she was about to say was hard for her to get off her tongue. Finally she shook her head, beating the hesitation and turned to him. "Is it Eeedelman, or Eddelman?"

Julian burst out laughing. Of course that was the question. "Edelman, like Ed, Edd and Eddy."

"Okay. Just wanted to make sure I was saying it right."

He raised a brow at her. "And were you?"

Devon looked down at the ground. "No."

"Well, learn it." He pulled Dev in front of him and looked down at her before kissing her temple. "It's gonna be your last name someday, after all."

"Julian!" Smack.

Okay, so she could still call him out on his bullshit while being drunk.

Best I Ever Had; Julian EdelmanWhere stories live. Discover now