"Yeah uncle u r right.. but how to come out of this.. we both don't have any idea.. "  Arjun told him..

"And without knowing their idea my brother too get trapped in this.. how careless he has been..he should have thinked twice before making any promise. Now you both are suffering"

"There is no pa's fault here.. he just got in this due to their sentimental act.. we can't blame him in this.. already he is not even seeing my face in guilt..his guilt filled gave is hurting me chithappa."

"I can understand Situ but first we need to talk to your pa. He should know about this dirty play, then only he will side us.. his guilt is the first thing to remove.. "

"That is what I too told her..If uncle us with us 50% problem will he solved.. but Where is he.." Arjun told..

"My mother is still speaking with him I think so.. Arjun this is not the right time for you to speak with him. Now you go home and tell your parents this whole thing"

"They will understand uncle, whatever happens Situ is my wife and she is our family.. " Arjun told confidently.

"Then we will plan for a secret meeting Situ's family, your family, me and by elder brother will meet somewhere..and there we can open everything.. "

"Uncle ur elder brother will support us na"

"He is our big support, my mother has a soft corner for him while my sister has it for me. we are going to use that soft corner for good. Me and my elder brother both stand for right things only and more than that, This is Situ's life.. letting her to marry Vidyan is like pushing her in a deep well of dirty mud.."

"Thank you so much chithappa.. thank you for being our support" I finally opened my mouth to thank him.  Till now I was like a third wheel between their conversation..

"U r so little to thank me dr.. now you go down.. Vidyan will get doubt"

"Ok chithappa..come Arjun "

"Hello hello madam he will go afterwards.. I have something to talk with him.. u go now"

"Arjunnnnn" I whined..

"This is actually extra time for you.. now go down.." idiot Arjun told and gave me a warning glare..

I made annoying face to him and went down..

Writer's pov

After Situ went down they both resumed to talk..

"Arjun,  Situ is my brother's breathe.. seeing her like this even kills me.. then think about him.. he is regretting his act of promising.. so only he feels guilty.."

"I can understand uncle... I have my full respect for my father in law..it grew after hearing his sentimental attachment towards your whole family.."

"This will take so much time to put it all back into normal, till then and even after that u should support Situ.. she needs you.."

"I will be her side always uncle.. and whatever may be the crisis I won't blame my father in law for this.. I will support him and bring him out this and will protect them uncle u don't worry.."


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