16 - Orange Ya in Love?

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"I know! Now we have to hurry and get changed. Louis made the reservation for eleven, so we have a little over an hour to get there." It is only ten right now. The boys' concert had luckily started and ended earlier than usual so that we can have time to explore the city afterwards.

"Wait, why aren't any of the other boys coming?" she questions.

"Um, I think they made other plans. Plus, I'm pretty sure the boats can only carry a certain number of people," I lie. I have no idea if the other boys have plans, although the limited passengers makes enough reasonable sense. I guess it does look a bit sketchy that we are the only ones going. It looks like a double date, even though I suppose it is. Although half of the party aren't quite aware of that fact.

"Oh, okay," she replies, accepting my excuse, luckily.

"Yep! Now get dressed in something warm and let's go!" I yell.

This is going to be a fun night.


"Don't tell me what to do!" Hailee scolds Harry.

We are sat inside the gondola; Louis and I sitting beside each other in the back with Hailee and Harry in front of us. They have been arguing since we got here.

"I was only telling you to sit still so we wouldn't tip the boat over!" Harry defends.

"Dude, it takes more than that to tip a boat over!"

"Whatever! I just thought I should try to keep us all above water tonight."

They are seriously starting to give me a headache. I rub my temples and close my eyes, trying to block out their bickering.

"Hey, babe, you okay?" Louis asks quietly beside me.

"Yeah, those two are just giving me a headache, that's all."

"Yeah, they are really going at it aren't they? What's their problem anyways?"

"I don't really get it. They just got off to a rough start and can't move past it, for some reason," I groan.

"Okay, that's it," Louis says, exasperatedly. "Would you mind pulling over at the next dock?" he yells up to the man paddling the boat.

"Of course," he responds, his thick accent quite noticeable.

"What are you doing?" I question Louis.

He ignores my question and wait as we pull off to the side of the narrow river. Before I know what he is thinking, he stands up and reaches his hand out for mine. I take it without question, trusting he has a plan somewhere in that wacked up mind of his.

"What's going on?" Harry asks as he moved to get up as well.

Louis stops him before he can, though. "No. Stay. Avery and I just thought we would like a little more peace and quiet from your bickering, so we are going to go take a walk around the city. I recommend you two take this opportunity to settle whatever differences you two seem to have with each other. This man will drop you off where we got on in front of the hotel in two hours. Make the best of your time," Louis says surprisingly sternly, but finishes with a smug little smirk.

And with that, we both step off the boat, ignoring their protesting, and begin walking along the paths of Amsterdam, hand in hand.

After a few minutes of walking, and once the boat containing our two insufferable companions is out of sight, Louis turns to me with a smile. "So, what shall we do now?"

"Wanna get some coffee and just walk along the river? It's a gorgeous night," I say happily.

"Sounds wonderful."

The Assistant // Louis TomlinsonOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant