一: Knock Knock

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I slam my laptop out of frustration. I've been trying to study for the last two hours, but my sisters and her friends just keep getting louder and louder. It was already hard to focus, but now it's impossible.

I try to think of a solution and the first thing that comes to mind is Felix. He lives next door and he knows how much of a pain Chae can be when she invites her friends over.

Sure enough he says I can come over, and I'm eternally grateful for such a nice friend. I put my phone down on the desk and start collecting what I'll need to study before informing my mom I'm going over to a friends house to study.

As usual, she waves me off, returning to her work which always seems to be more important that Chae or I. I don't even remember what she does for a living, but it doesn't mater much anymore. It's not like we ever talk.

I have to knock three times before the door opens, and someone who is definitely not Felix opens the door, scaring me a bit since I was expecting a blonde aussie.

"Can I help you?" He asks, pushing his glasses up a bit.

"Is Felix home?" I ask, hoping that he'll say yes. Felix has a habit of telling his other friends to come over when he isn't home.

The boy in front of me shakes his head. "He left a while ago to go on a date."

"Oh." So much for studying in peace.

"Is there a specific reason you needed to speak to him?"

"I just asked if I could come over to study because my sisters and her friends were getting loud. Sorry for taking up your time." I bow and turn to take my leave when the a phone goes off. I pat my back pocket, reaching for my phone, but it seems it was the other boys.

"Felix just texted. Come on in." He says, opening the door for me. I smile at him, happy that I might not fail my test.

"Thank you so much." I say, bowing once again.

He shakes his head a little, walking towards the kitchen where it looks like he was making tea. He motions for me to sit at the table where I can study.

"Do you want any tea?" He asks, opening the cupboard to grab down some tea cups.

"Do you have earl grey?" I ask, hoping that he'll say yes.

He smiles, opening a second cupboard that has at least three of the largest boxes of earl grey tea I've ever seen. "I think I would die if I didn't have earl grey." He says, pulling out two tea bags as the water in the kettle let's out a whistle.

Soon enough I'm half way through what I'm supposed to be studying, two cups of tea drank, and frustrated at how slow the Internet is since all of Chae's friends are probably on it streaming videos.

The boy, whose name is Bang Chan I've learned, walks into the kitchen, pouring himself another cup before looking over at me, obviously seeing how annoying it is to watch the buffering icon on my screen.

"Slow Internet?" He asks, grabbing a small package of peanuts from seemingly nowhere.

"Yeah, I think they're streaming videos or something, usually it isn't this slow."

He nods, retrieving a sticky note from the desk where he's been since I've arrived. "Here's the WiFi password." He says, sticking it to the table next to my laptop.

"Thank you." I say, quickly clicking on my WiFi settings to change networks. It isn't hard to find their network, it's literally an all caps AUSSIEBROS2097. I shake my head at the name, looking over at the sticky note. "Bangaroo?" I question, Mumbling it slightly, though Chan still seems to hear.

"It was Felix's idea." He says, sipping on his tea before returning to his laptop.

Sure enough, the password works and I no longer have to stare at a buffering sign in the middle of my history video.

Another hour passes by, and I wonder if I'm not out staying my welcome. Chan has said anything to me, but I wonder.

"How much longer do you have?" He asks, putting on another kettle of water. I've definitely out stayed my welcome, I just know it.

"An hour maybe. If you have plans or need me to leave I can go." I say, trying to make sure I'm not a bother. But he just shakes his head at me, a smile on his lips.

"Nah, you're fine. You just look tired is all. More tea?"

I smile and nod my head, thankful that even if Felix wasn't here, Chan was nice enough to let me stay.

"Do want to take a break or something, you'll get a headache if you continue on like that." He says, handing me back my tea cup as he looks at my screen.

"I'm used to staying up 'til two in the morning to study, so I'm used to cramming." I admit, looking over my work sheets a little.

He frowns a little. "That's not good for you. You'll tire yourself out quickly if you do that too often." He says shaking his head before heading back over to his laptop.

I wonder what he's working on. I lean forward a little, squinting until I can see the screen. Oh, you're kidding me! He's playing Mass Effect!

I love that game, and I would kill to be playing that instead of doing this homework, but that's not how life works, is it? I decide to just study harder, knowing full well that I can play when I get back home.

"I really don't like you," I hear him mumble to the screen. "but I'm supposed to be paragon. Oh screw it." I can hear the game clearly, and I know he's talking about the girl at the cloning facility.

I shake my head, focusing myself back on homework before I pay anymore attention to Mass Effect and the fact that Chan is actually a paragon softie.

"I'm done studying, so I'll be going. It was nice meeting you, and thank you for letting me use your house and wifi." I say, slipping on my shoes as Chan nods.

"You're welcome to come over again if you need to, you're not nearly as roudy as Jisung, and you share my love of earl grey tea." He says, smiling.

"And apparently Mass Effect." I say, watching the tips of his ears turn red.

"Heuh, yeah." Now he looks away. "I'll see you later."

I nod and take my leave, hoping there are more days like this to look forward to.

1132 worse written on my tablet, yay!
I hope you'll enjoy this story, and show it lots of love.
This is my first 1st-person P.O.V story besides a failed attempt at a Harry potter book, so hopefully this will go over better.
Love, Siha.☀☀☀

ɴᴇɪɢʜʙᴏʀʟʏ ʟᴏᴠᴇ🏢 (JeongChan)  COMPLETED✅Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt