Chapter 1

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I woke up around 9:30 (Since it is Summertime I wake up at 9 or 10 everyday) to get ready to go to my friend Savannah's house to pick up my shirt I made for Magcon the other day. I desperately needed a shower so I grabbed my favorite Victoria's Secret PINK tank top and some Nike running shorts to wear.

When I was done in the shower, I dried off and got dressed. I decide today was a straight hair type of day. So I plugged in my straighter and blow dryer and started to dry my hair. Once I decide my hair was dry I straightened it as straight as I could.

By the time I was done I got a text from Savannah saying, "so come over in about 45?" I lived about 30 mins away so I texted back, "okay loser see you in 45!" I don't need any makeup on my face so I just lightly coat on mascara and then I'm done.

I race down stairs and grab my black Nike Free Runs I slip those on and grab my keys and breakfast on the table, "Bye darling," my mom says.
"Bye Mi Madre!" ( you took Spanish 1 your Freshman year)
"Makaylee don't forget about the family dinner at 7!"
*family dinners make you nervous because NOTHING good happens at family dinners!*
"Okay I won't!" You say back

You get your car and plug your phone into the radio, you tun your phone on and check your twitter, "YEET crew is back together" is the tweet the is blowing up you timeline so you look who started it. The one and only Jack Gilinsky! You loved Jack Gilinsky and you knew he would never know about your existence. So you just retweet and turn on your music, then leave.



I'm so excited to be in LA with Jack, Nash, Cam, Carter, Matt, and Hayes! So I tweet out a picture of all of us "YEET crew is back together!"

I never really thought I could have over 1 million followers! I mean me and Jack aren't even that funny. So, I post the tweet and set my phone down so I can hangout with the guys for awhile.


Nash keeps talking for like an hour than says, "hey let's go eat dinner!" We all agree and go to our rooms and get dressed. (Nash and Cam's apartment is pretty big for the two of them so they let Carter live there too.)

We all get dressed and looking fresh just in case we see fans and want to take pictures, but Nash walks out in his freaking pineapple sweatpants! Oh well we are already late for our reservation so no one cares.


Savannah and I were hanging out for a long time and lost track of time until I glanced at the clock and it read 6:00 p.m. "Shit!" You told Savannah " I really have to go the restaurant is an hour away! Bye!" You grab yours things and leave her house without letting her say Goodbye. You were driving when you realized you had your shirt you made for Magcon on! Oh well it's a family dinner and I could care less.

You pull up to the restaurant and park in valet because it was a nice restaurant and your parents had money so might as well. You walk into the restaurant and see your family. You walk to there booth and see people staring at you.
"Why didn't you change?" Your mom asked.
"Well me and Savannah lost track of time so I had to leave in this I'm sorry." (You really weren't though)
"It's okay"

Halfway trough dinner you feel like a lot of people were staring so you finally look up and say, "OKAY SERIOUSLY STOP LOOKING-" you stopped yourself because there was only about seven guys staring at you. You recognize them and you start to blush.
"Sorry mom can I be excused, I need to use the restroom."
"Sure honey!"

You were walking to the bathroom when you feel a light gripped hand on your arm. You turn around and it was JACK GILINSKY! The Jack Gilinsky! He pulled you into their booth and said, "wow did you make that shirt?!" You were shocked he loved it and you said, "yeah I made it."

You were talking to them about Magcon for 10 or so minutes then you said, "sorry guys I have to go!" You feel Gilinsky grab your arm again, "Give me your phone!"
"Because since you are coming to Magcon LA I want to see you and your friend!"
"Oh okay!" You start to scream on the inside but you give Gilinsky your phone.
"Oh shit!" You grab your phone back and change your wallpapers to you and your friend because they were both of Shirtless Gilinsky. You give it back and act like nothing happened. He gives you his number and you give him yours and he takes a picture with you for his contact and same for you. You walk away and do one of those sound of music jumps and walk to your family who is gone?! Okay it's not like I don't have a car. So you get your car back and text Savannah " meet me at home but bring stuff for a couple of weeks." She texts back, "okayyyy?"

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