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"Do you have a stroller for twins?" I asks looking the strollers that were for only one baby.

"Yes we do ma'am," she smiled politely. She lead us the way to the other side of the store.

"Wow!" I was mesmerized by all the baby cars. Marcus chuckles behind me. I turned around and gave him an eye.

"What?" He mouthed confused. I was still not letting it go when he called me fat last month that too on Angelo's birthday night at 8 0'clock. Yes I remembered every details of that. I rolled my eyes him and turned my head back to the saleswoman. I gave her a small smile.

One of the strollers caught my attention. I quickly walked to it.

"We will take this one!" I smiled touching it.

"Alright ma'am, you can walk back to the front and I will bring it there for you," she smiled back writing something on her notebook.

I grabbed Marcus his hand excitedly and pull him with me.
"Amour can you forget about the night? I'm really really sorry baby," he said with pleading eyes. I was too happy to say no so I nodded my head agreeing.

"Finally!" He said kissing my forehead.


We were now in the next shop for baby clothes and let me tell you seeing all that baby clothes for girls make me want to buy all of them for my unborns but too bad they turned out to be boys.

Marcus was moving the shops wheeler bored. I was putting new clothes constantly in it.
"Are you done yet?" His voice said after a few minutes.

"Not yet!" I said walking to the other way.

"Bella we can continue this another day?"

"Another day?! There isn't much time left! You know I'm 6 months right? Didn't you hear when Jessica told us that the babies can be born anytime ?" I ask me raising one of my eyebrows.

"Fine! Buy the whole fucking store!" He said defeated. I smiled at him and kissed his left cheek.

"That will be $500," the cashier said looking me up and down. I knew this look. It was the go put all the stuffs back cuz u cannot pay all of them look. Did she really gave me that look! I was ready to insult her but this motherfucker next to me stopped me while grabbing my arm lightly. I looked at him angry and roll my eyes annoyed.

"I need to see your manager right now!" Marcus said coldly through the shop making all the people turn their head at us.

"Why is it so noisy in here?" A man in his late fourties said walking to us.

"Sir I don't know. This couple here were just yelling around like crazy," the cashier said innocently at the manager. This bitch

The old man turned to look at us but all the color of his face turned red. I smirked at his reaction.

"Ms. Silver and Mr. D'cruz! He said shocked.
"I need that woman fired or else I will get you fired from the manager post," Marcus said serious looking hard at him. His whole body was shaking out of fear. "Yes I will fire her right now sir!"

"Tina! You're fired!"

"But why Sir?" The girl Tina asked shocked.

"You should know. Gather all of your stuff and leave now!" The manager said looking at the cashier. That's why you must think before speaking.

After she left, the manager apologized for her behavior and I told him that it was alright.

"We could have bought the clothes from another shop you know?" He says while putting all the bags in the trunk.

"Nah I'm too tired to shop somewhere else," I said sitting in the passenger seat.

"Bella is everything alright?" He asks concerned putting his palm on my belly.

"Yeah. I'm just hungry right now." My belly growls right after the words left my lips. Marcus shook his head laughing.

"Let's stop somewhere to eat okay?"

"Yup." I turned the ac on cuz it was too hot. We were driving through the busy street of California.

"Where do you wanna eat bella?" He asks not taking his eyes of the road.

"Mac Donald's."

"You know that's unhealthy for the babies," He taunts.

"Well do you want me to eat salad?" I asks raising my voice a little louder.

"Damn bella! We will eat at Mac Donald's," he said finally.

"Good! I wasn't going to eat salad anyway," I said rolling my eyes.

We decided to go in the drive thru and eat in the car. Romantic right?

"Did they give you the happy meal ?" I asks biting my chicken Mac.

"Yes amour," he says taking a bite of my burger.

"What the fuck Marcus !" I yelled angrily when he took a bite of mine.

"What?" He said with his mouth full.

"Forget it!"
We drove back home when we were done eating. "I want my bed now..."
Marcus laughed and rested his hand on my thight.

"What are you doing?" I asked shocked when his hand went to the the front of my panties.

"You will  feel it soon and know what I'm doing mon amour," he said smirking.

"Marc I'm too tir-fuck!" I moaned grabbing his arm that was on my thight while his fingers were doing the work. His fingers were going faster making me try to catch my breath.

"Ahaha stoppp!" I begged when I felt my climax building up.

"Come now!" He said with his eyes still on the road.
I came hard at his demand. He pulled his fingers out and put them into his mouth.

"delicioso," He smirks licking them clean. I pulled his head to mine kissing him hard. I taste myself while doing that. He was kissing me back with his eyes still on the road.

"Bella stop!" He said trying to stop me from kissing him.

"I didn't stop you while your fingers were busy?" I said between kisses.

"We will continue this at home," I said batting my eyelashes at him seductive. I sat back in my seat smirking.

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