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"Wait why were you vomiting?"
His question caught me off guard.

"I-I had been eating different kind of things for the past few days," I finished quickly. lie

He gave me the I don't believe you look.

"Don't look at me like that. I think you should leave. It's already late," I yawned.

"Alright. Good night Bella ," he says giving me kiss. Before I wanted to open my lips to him ,he pulled away.damn
"Good night Marcus," I told him with a little smile.

"Give us a chance..please," he begged while standing at the door opening.

"I already told you that we can never happen again," I told him seriously. 

"Alright I understand."
"And for god sake you have a fucking fiancé," i sneered at him.

"Don't worry I broke things off between me and her." Thank god wait why do I feel happy. Because you don't want a soon to be married between your legs my mind taunted me. Shut up

"That's really sad because you two are  perfect for each other," I told him fake coughing. He wanted to say something but changes his mind.

"Alright I will go now," he buzzed me off coldly. Why is he acting so cold to me ?

"Because you wanted that. I will only be in our son's life and I won't bother you anymore for chances,"Marcus told me serious. Did I say that loud? Fuck me.
Deep inside me  was hurt that Marcus would stop trying for us but it's for the better. I don't want to get hurt twice.

"Sleep well Bella," he says and walks away. I watched him taking his seat and drove off. You wanted this  

"Mama?" I heard Angelo voice.
I close the door and walked back to my room.

"Baby mama is here ," I said putting him back to sleep.


Why were you vomiting? I snapped my eyes open and looked at the ceiling . Wait I haven't got my period yet. Shit how could I not know but we used protection or not. No I couldn't be pregnant. "Fuck!" I cursed into my pillow.  The first thing to do Tomorrow is visiting my doctor. Thank god it's Saturday tomorrow. I kissed my baby's cheek and cuddled closer to him. 


" Congrats Mia you're pregnant!" My cousin, Jessica smiled widely.

You're pregnant you're pregnant you're pregnant Jessica's voice rings in my ears. "Mia !"
I snapped out and watched her still smiling.  "I had been calling you for a hundred times," she said happily.

"You know ..today is not April's fool day so I won't fall for it," I told her coldly.

"I am not joking," she laughed. "Yay I will be an auntie again!" She did a happy dance.

"I am pregnant again ,". I said softly feeling my flat stomach. "How many weeks?"

"Two," she answered laughing showing me her white teeth.

"Who is the father?"

"Angelo's dad." I saw her eyes getting big. "Omg Mia,you naughty girl," she teased. She knew about what had happened and told me that maybe he had a reason for leaving me.

"You need to tell him" Jessica said serious. I've never seen her this serious.

"He doesn't need to know because I can raise him/her alone."

"Mia don't let me give you slap on the back of your head!" She said in a serious tone.

I take a good look at her and laughed whole heartedly. "You're funny"

She smiles while looking at me.
"What?" I missed this laughed of yours Mia. "Make things right between you guys and talk to him because Angelo and the baby needs both of you," she told me. She was the only cousin I was close to.

"fine! I will try.. mother," I smile rolling my eyes.

"Good!" She smiles hugging me.
"Can't breathe," I joked. She pulled away. I will take your leave now.

"Tell me how it went okay?" She said concerned. When I was about to open the door she called me. I turned around. "How is Dixon?" I saw her nervously playing with her fingers.
"Maybe you should ask him yourself," I winked. She blushes. Dixon had been her crush since we were 16. He was 18 that time.

"He thinks of me as his little sister," she frowns. "How do you know of what he thinks?"

"Because I kinda confessed to him a few months ago that I liked him," she said her pale face turning red like a tomato.

"You did?! How come you haven't told me ?" I asks pretending to be hurt. I think I need to have a long chat with my best friend.

"Don't you dare," she warned.
"Why? I had always shipped you two together." She blushes.

"Alright I will leave now. My feet hurts as hell," i said looking at my tiny heels.

"Alright Mia and don't ," she warned smiling.

"Yeah yeah I won't talk to Dixon," I laughed walking out.


"I smell food ," I said as soon I open my house door.

"Good afternoon Mia,"Dixon says cooking. "Afternoon...where is my baby?" I asks putting my bag on the counter.

"Taking a walk with his nanny?" He says giving me a plate with food.

"Fuck. this .thing .is .yummy..." i moaned when I take a bite. I can feel Dixon's eyes on me.
"What are you looking at?"

"Nothing!"he quickly said.
I heard the door jiggle and saw my baby taking little steps with his tiny feets leaving his nanny behind. "Mamaaa..". I knelt down and opened my arms for him. "I missed you baby,"

" I mid you too mama," he says pecking my lips. "Do you want some food sweetie?

"Yesh foood," he happily wiggled in my arms. Can't believe I will have another bundle of joy in a few months.
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