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I'll Wait for you

"So basically your father was strict your mother beckoned with his every command and your brother couldn't take it again" I asked after my dad explained a whole lot to me.

He nodded.

"So are you going to meet up with him or them in particular ?" I asked. My father's expression changed as he got up to head to his room.

I jogged up back to my room which Kyle was still in, as I opened my door I grinned at my boy. Kyle Sturles is my boy. I can't help but smile at that. This sweetheart is my boy. I locked the door behind me. We don't want Daddy dearest walking in and seeing Kyle in my room.

Of Course, I'll introduce Kyle to my dad but when the time is right, and definitely while he is lying on my bed in his sexy glory. Smiling seductively towards me.

My next move was unlikely something I'd do. I laid down on him facing his face. He smirked at my actions. Which caused me to giggle silly boy. I watched him, this time watch. His brown eyes were not too big and not too small, and his eyebrows were a bit bushy but perfect in my eyes. His blond hair which was combed down on his face just touching the tip of his eyes but still messy on his face, his smile which is small but perfect the few tiny creases that form at the sides of his mouth when he smiles, his thin pink lips which I want to kiss, His straight but slightly thin nose, which resembles a cuter form of The Penguin's nose, His high cheekbones. His handsomely shaped face.

"Why are you watching me like that" I smiled at him. So cute. "You're cute," I told him with a bigger smile on my face. "And you're beautiful" I smiled, the smile moved on my face, not that I didn't want to smile but the way that if you smile it'll be way too big but instead you try to hold it in and a big blush comes on. Yes, That's it. "Babe" Kyle said softly. "How quiet can you be ?". I raised an eyebrow at him. "Very, why ?" He just hummed at that and licked his lips. I rolled my eyes at my boyfriend's typical boyness. But inside butterflies were doing somersaults in my tummy. I might be holding a butterfly gymnasium in my tummy.

I can't breathe.

I can't breathe.

I can't breathe.

I'm in heaven. I am on cloud nine. Kyle's lips were now joined to mine apart from the fact I couldn't breathe, I will say from all the other times me and Kyle kissed, I have never felt so much on a high, it may be the fact that I know now his mine, nobody owns but mine. I couldn't help but smile at that.

We finally had to depart from each other's lips.

"Oli ?!" Kyle said. I nodded my head. "That is the first I've been to a girl's room that is not my sister's and did not have sex with her," He said.

Should I nod at that, or was that an invitation to have sex with him? I love Kyle, I'm in love with him even, but I'm not ready to have sex with him, I'm not ready to have sex with anybody period. "Kyle," I said while getting off him and sitting next to him. "You know I'm a Virgin. Right ?" He nodded. "I'm still not ready, I will be eventually and I hope I will do it with you 'cause I am in love with you, but if you can't wait then we might have a problem " I finished my little rant. Kyle wears a smirk.

"Babe, I'll wait for you, forever even, I wasn't asking you to have sex, I was simply telling you how much I love you, that I can be with you and not want sex," He said. Now I felt embarrassed but I couldn't help him have that satisfaction. "So you're saying I don't turn you on ?!" I asked in an angry tone. His expression was priceless. It was hard for me to keep a straight face. "Babe. You have no idea how much you turn me on, I'm just saying I respect you " I smiled hugely at his response.

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