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All for Ali

It made me feel relieved that hearing Taylor's disgusting voice would make me forget about that disgusting dream, which quite frankly wasn't that disgusting at all either is his voice but his attitude sure freaking is.

I looked at myself in the mirror as I remembered my dear sister Ali. It pains me so much knowing my sister, my role model or anybody for that fact will feel depressed and lonely enough to turn to suicide. It pained me more knowing that she didn't appreciate me enough to turn to me or think about me before she took her life. This horrible fate of having people discriminate against you, bully you, and consider you a virgin Mary or a prude because you don't open your legs for any human on legs. Note I said human because you can never underestimate this generation. It's fucked up.

My sister was selfish enough to let me deal with this all on my own, My awful parents, The torture everything, she thought of herself alone, I could've helped her, she could've asked me for advice. I know was small but I wasn't naïve I have always been smart. Out of all this, I don't blame her, I blame this harsh society and disdainful parents.

Zoey looks just like Ali has the same blood, but is married to a sexy dude. So why aren't we lucky like her, Jackpot? Her dad ran away from the fate when he had the chance.

Fate or no Fate. I was the only person who knew about what pushed Ali to commit suicide if I knew it would've broken so bad I would have latched onto her like a leach. That's why I am so determined to throw that scumbag excuse of a male in a pit hole. I can't take out all the sorry excuses as him, but I will feel some kind of gratitude knowing. I sort of stood up for my sister and myself.

In all, I'm doing this all for Ali.

Another day at school with harsh beings, fake ass teachers, and horrible excuses for student's safety. I walked down the hall. Normally I would feel invisible and comfortable, but right now I feel like all eyes are on me, strangely I don't think it's just the feeling because I'm pretty sure I'm hearing 'Slutty Oli' Being called out as I passed.

Ignore. 1.2.3. Ignore.

"So slut finally grew a pussy hole," Ciara said as she took a halt in front of me. Reject. I thought in my head as I took in her features and attitude.

"Why are you barking at me," I asked with a sickeningly sweet voice.

"Cut the crap. Little. Miss. Not . A . Virgin. Anymore." She spoke those last words very clearly.

Anger rushed through my veins. Relax. 1.2. "What the actual fuck is wrong with your skanky little ass" I shouted at her. Not be able to contain myself any longer. Now all eyes were on us. Great just great.

"You think Taylor liked you, He fucked you and dropping you any second to be with me" The words came out of her mouth like venom. I'm positive I'm not losing my mind because seems like someone's face would enjoy meeting my fist.

"Taylor fucked. ME!." I said Me like poison. "In your fucking dreams, the last time that asshole came in my fucking room, I did his nails, with pink nail polish and put fucking hello kitty stickers on it. That son of a bitch wants to tell the school he fucked. ME. Oli Robinson" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I was fuming.

"Bitch, shut the fuck up. I used your sorry ass" No other than Taylor said.

I glared at him, somebody come out and say Scare tactics or you got pranked 'cause an asshole is testing my patience like a firecracker.

I walked up in his face. "You'll be sorry as fuck, when your fucking lies catch up to you" I spat, "And baby, It won't be far and It'll be sweet, " I said "And one more thing," I said getting ready to punch, out of nowhere somebody else did it for me. Taylor was knocked out. "The three of you my office now," The principal said, I guess she excluded me. So I turned my back to go.

"Excuse me, Mrs. Robinson. I said My office now" She said. I turned my head in shock "Me?, but you said three" I asked. "Yes, Mr. Sturle, and oh crap he's out, can somebody call the nurse" The principal starts sending orders. "Two of you office now" She growled at Kyle and me. "Oh well. To infinity and beyond" I said putting my hands in the air like I was flying like Superman.

Kyle laughed "Oli, only you can make a situation like this funny" He motioned to the chaos which is and just transpired. I smiled and shrugged my shoulders "Oh well" I said.

We went in and sat in the office " Oli, The principal is not in right now" The secretary told me. Yes, That's the secretary who is on a first-name basis with me. "I Know," I said smiling and just sat down there with Kyle by my side.

None of us uttered a word because the secretary was watching like Hawk.

The principal finally came in looking distraught from the situation. "You two follow me," He said directing us to his office. We obeyed his command. I stood on the left while Kyle stood on the right because my dears they treat us like criminals in this school when we get in trouble so I've heard.

I heard that you can't sit you have to stand behind the chairs with your hands on your side and after you are done being scrutinized the principal sentence to week or more without going to your classes, but mind that somebody is assigned to bring all your work and you are expected to submit all class by the end of the day. I also heard that you eat your lunch in that isolated class.

"Oli can you explain what happening Short form, I need to go to the hospital. Kyle got a fist, I must say" The principal said. Ouch for Taylor that is, he doesn't know mess with the bull you get the horns.

"Shorten form Okay. Taylor told the hold school I slept with him, Ciara called me a slut who just grew a pussy hole, and I retaliated to Ciara and Taylor. Taylor called me a bitch and Kyle punched him. Simple" I said like it was nothing.

Getting to know Taylor's true colors and having to encounter Ciara can change a person's view of the wonders of life. I have become more bold and harsher.

"Simple ?" The principal said I figured it was a rhetorical question. "Well, Detention two weeks, straight. The four of you starting now, and please tell the secretary to send Ciara to my office. Thank you. You may go now" He said and dismissed us.

"So is it true" I asked while on our way to detention. I was following Kyle like a lost puppy. Don't blame me, I'm not a normal delinquent.

"Is what true?" Kyle asked me . "the rumors about detention," I asked. "Or that, Yeah," He said then pushed through the door.

There sat one of the older teachers who has 50 cats and never cracked a smile. Ms. Burn, Burm something along this. She eyed us and motioned us to the assigned seat. Kyle was placed five rows away from me.

"Animals" I hear the teacher mutter under her breath. I laughed to myself. "Is something funny young lady?" She asked me sternly. the woman is freaky. Someone must not be happy with their 50 cats I thought. I was torn from my thoughts when I heard Kyle burst into laughter. I didn't get the joke, that's what I get for being deep in thought.

"Ma'am I only have 20 cats, where is your respect? An extra hour every day for the two of you" She said. Oops. I must've said it out loud. Nonetheless, she was a cat lady.

"Saturday detention for you young lady," She said. It didn't take a genius to figure out I must've said that out loud.

Well, at least I don't have a life to sacrifice.

The Last Virgin StandingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora