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Daddy's Little Girl

"What was I thinking?"

That's what all the teachers ask me even the principal.

That's what my parents asked me.

Strangely that's what Ciara asked me, the great Ciara was in tears all her fake friends finally got a reason to ditch her. While some boys might think lesbians are hot, The majority of boys in my school find it offensive. So that can tell you the number of fans Ciara remains in that school. I made it my priority for the whole student body to take offense towards Ciara and Taylor.

I was suspended from school for two weeks and was not allowed technology or to go out of the house but it was well worth it. I know that topic to bring them down will not hurt them physically but surely emotionally. Just liked they hurt me. The people in my school are judgmental, they won't accept just anybody, but they'll never physically beat somebody, or verbally abuse the person, the only person that verbally abused people was Ciara and her pose and well that is no more and there have nothing against gays much they just really hate liars. So now everybody's happy Ciara and Taylor are alone together, literally alone together thanks to me, I still have my virginity and a sexy boyfriend, I have a best friend and No other girl will suffer for a long time from Taylor or Ciara. So all is well will end well.

I laid down on my bed 'reflecting' on the impact of my decision as my parents sent me to do. My parents do work so what I'm thinking of right now is what day can I squeeze Mira in or better Kyle because I don't go out and nobody comes in. Kyle and I are official now, Mira told me after I went Kyle punched Taylor in the jaw for trying to 'screw his lady' and the assembly couldn't miss that.

You would think that I am beyond bored since my technology is no longer in my ownership nobody can't come over and my parents don't come to talk to me, no surprise there. Being the good and straight A+ student I am, I decided I'll take these weeks to do all my work so I'll stay up to date with the class which I am sure I already am, But I can't let them catch up to me when I got the highest G.P.A in the entire school.

You would think being so determined would let you be off the hook for that one strike. I am classified to be a spoilt bitch with a rich PLASTIC SURGEON parent and blond hair and a petite body but instead, I am me they should be happy.

I completed three new chapters in my chemistry text and moved to some Biology now on my second I heard a knock on my door "Come in" I said, A very unfamiliar face appeared at my door with a huge smile on her face the female was around a little taller than me long silk brown hair drop in curls reaching her midback, a small amount of make-up and a blue and white dress with black oxford shoes "Who are you ?!" I asked holding up my biology textbook as a weapon against the possible assassin "The new maid", "You've got to be kidding they hired a maid and please tell me they did not make you wear a uniform" The lady smiled "Yes this is my uniform, quite lovely isn't it?" She said. I just raised my eyebrows in response " Your mom wants you upstairs there's someone to see you" She said and turned her back and went back to do what she was doing.

I can't believe that they were lazy enough to hire a maid, I'm surprised they didn't hire a nanny too. I rushed downstairs in the hope of socializing I guess my mother has some gratitude in her heart to let one of my friends come in to see me. That's what I said until I saw the face, I swerved one time to face my mother "What is that doing here" I said through gritted teeth "I called him here for you to apologize, and the young lady is coming for hers tomorrow" No one would not have expected what I did next I even surprised myself.

"Ha. Ha. Ha. Ja. Ja. Bitch you mad" Yes ladies and gentlemen I just did it I called the lady who pushed me out and carried me for nine months bitch. You can't exactly blame her had it coming but I also had what was coming my way. My mother slapped me across my face which caught my father's attention and he came to ask what happened. My mother enlightened and he looked so disappointed at me, more than earlier oh well. Taylor is a bad influence on me anytime he's involved shit goes down.

"Oli, what did this young man do to you that made you do such cruelty" My father asked no humor in his voice. "Wouldn't you like to know, My dad would like to know" I said with a smirk on my face. Taylor's face changed one time and then I told my parents the whole story My dad of course went to face a wall and kept chanting ' I can't go to jail, I have a family to take of. I can't kill a boy, I have a family to take care of' but my wonderful mother tried her best to make this come back and blow up in my face.

" If Mrs. Sturle that horrible parent didn't let you go on that trip it would not happen and you couldn't resist just doing your slutness" I gawked at my mother and laughed. "One I went with Kyle My Best friend's brother who is practically like my brother and that's how I found out about jacks plan, if I didn't go with kyle then I would be the slut you talking about and Two Mother don't go throwing around names when you know too well I am familiar with the affair you're having," I said.

"Like a brother please and he's your boyfriend now what do you call that incest" Taylor had to open his unappreciated jaw. My father stormed off upstairs, Oh well I punched Taylor straight in his jaw where I saw a nice fresh bruise I adore that Kyle boy.

"Get out of my house Freak!" I shouted before started glaring at a shocked mother. "You Inconsiderate little thing" My mom shouted "Bite me," I said while turning to leave. Instead, I saw the reason why I knew I preferred my father to my mom, My mom's things were packed and out the door. "Get out of my house now Oliviana. Now" He shouted at my mother "Steven this is my house too" my mom shouted, My father rolled his eyes and I couldn't help but smirk.

"Please, we all know it's not," My dad said while my mom just took the remaining things she owned in the kitchen took her car, and left. The thing about my dad is that he never did anything jointly with my mother concerning, I mean anything she had her money he had hers, He had his assets and she had hers and thankfully this house is my dad's asset, and also everything I own. I watched my father "I'm sorry Dad" He just put on a straight face.

"Don't be sorry your mom has been cheating on me before we got married I just wanted to see how long it'll last before someone or she preferably let it slip but she never did. Honey do you think I was just that selfish to keep all my money to the two of us, No I just knew I would divorce sooner or later and the best part is when she opened her handbag with her keys, she saw her divorce papers" My father said with a smirk. I have never felt so close to my father before.

"I am sorry honey for neglecting you, I just wanted to see how many nationalities she'd screw before getting guilty," He said. I embraced my father in a hug "You are still grounded honey, what you did wasn't nice, he deserved it but it wasn't nice" My father said I just nodded. I wasn't angry I was grounded again.

I can't believe my mother was cheating on my father before I was even conceived and I just found that out 3 years ago. Sigh. I can see why she adores Taylor and Ciara so much. Uggh.

"Dad?" I asked with a different tone. "Yeah honey" "I need to ask you something about your brother?"

"About Uncle Rodney? What sup" He said.

"Not that one," I said my father sighed and rested his head on the desk.

"Honey, I'll explain it to you tomorrow after work till then go to bed" I sighed and got up to go to bed.

"Don't forget you'll always be daddy's little girl" My father said and I turned to smile and continue walking.

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