Chapter Twelve: The Best Thing

Start from the beginning

Unfortunately, Bree had not adapted my phone-throwing skills and instead of tossing it to my hands, she threw it at my leg. It was my turn to glare at her as I rubbed my now bruised thigh. I quickly dialed Dylan's number and listened to the soft rings of the phone as I waited for him to answer. Each ring only increased the suspense and I was getting restless. Pick up, pick up, pick up!!


"Hi, Dylan??" I responded a little too eagerly.

"Hi Kay! What's up?"

Bree was making frantic signals to me from across the room but I ignored her craziness. "Umm..I was wondering if you were busy later tonight?"

"Uhh yes I believe I do have plans tonight."

"Oh," I said and tried to hide my disappointment. "What are you doing?"

"I'm heading over to Kennedy's party with a couple of the guys...wait, why are you asking me about this?"

"No reason!! Just wondering."

"Were you trying to ask me on a date, sweetheart?" I could practically hear him smirk through the phone and my heart raced. "Because if you were, I can surely clear up my schedule."

My heart was seriously going to fly out of my chest right now. "N-no. I just wanted to hang out with you like usual." Damn it, why'd I have to stammer? He'd see right through me now.

"Oh, well you should come along then!"


"Yeah, come on! It'll be fun and you'll be able to let loose, Little Miss Uptight."

"I'm not uptight!!" I protested.

"There it is," he chuckled. "How about I pick you up at say, eight o'clock?"

"Sounds like a plan," I smiled.

"Alright then. I'll see you later, Kay."

Bree was practically about to burst as I hung up the phone. She immediately bombarded me with questions, but all I did was smile. I was so excited for tonight. Maybe, for once, things would finally work out with me and Dylan.

At 7:30, I took a shower and blew dry my hair before Bree helped me get ready. We chose a flowy dress with heels and threw in a black, metallic clutch to match. As a final touch, I placed a gorgeous diamond flower necklace from Dylan around my neck. Then, I quickly brushed on some eyeliner and mascara while she hairsprayed my bouncy curls into place. Right after I finished getting dressed, we heard the doorbell ring.

"Ahh, he's here!!" Bree squealed.

"I think you're more excited than me," I chuckled. Except I couldn't help but notice the butterflies rising in my stomach.

"What? I can't help that I'm excited for my two best friends to get together!"

"It's not a for sure thing yet!! Now hush, I'm opening the door!"

As the wooden door swung open, a very handsome Dylan was revealed. He wore black jeans and a dark blue button-up with the sleeves rolled back. With his hair slightly messy, I had to admit he looked really good.

"Satisfied yet?"

I snapped out of my checking out mode and composed myself. "You wish."

"Come on." He rolled his eyes, grabbed my hand, and dragged me outside. "Bye, Bree!!"

"Bye!" I heard her holler while Dylan and I made our way over to his car. He held the passenger side's door open for me and I gladly took a seat.

"Ready to have fun tonight?" Dylan asked once he sat down on the driver's side.

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