I looked at Aiden. He didn't seem a bad person, he was just being friendly. I certainly needed to make new friends, and what he was suggesting seemed the kind of thing I could've got down with easily.

"Sure" I replied.

"Miss Regan and Mr Hart, stop flirting and pay attention."

I widened my eyes as the teacher called out our names, looking up just to realise that the entire class was looking at us. Even he was.

I looked down in embarrassment, busting myself with taking notes.

"Well that was awkward" Aiden commented, and I hid the smile that formed at his words behind my hand as not to get reprimanded again.

We stayed silent for the rest of the class, that ended not too long after.

I gathered my things and said bye to Aiden, making my way to the door before being stopped by the sound of my name being called out. I stood on the side of the door, waiting for Aiden to catch up with me.

"I almost forgot!" He said when he reached me, "do you think I could have the honour of getting your phone number?" He said playfully, making me smile.

"Sure" I shyly replied, dictating it to him slowly to allow him to type it down.

"Thank you! See you later" he said before going out of the door.

"See you" I whispered, more to myself than anybody else before exiting to go to my next class as well.

•  •  •

Later that day, Harry was at mine again. That time we were in my back garden, standing on the grass, a bush of light pink roses next to us.

"My mum loves roses. They're her favourite flower" I said when I noticed that he was glancing at them. I walked a few steps away from it, motioning him to follow me. "Anyway, lie down" I said sitting on the grass, and he did.

I scooted closer to him, looking at him from above. A lock of dark hair was covering his forehead, long enough to reach his eyelashes. He blinked a few times at the annoying sensation. I reached forward hesitantly and pushed it back as he glanced at me attentively.

"You're even quieter than usual today" I murmured. I would've asked if there was something wrong, but I knew he wouldn't have replied anyway, and it would've just annoyed him.

He didn't say anything, acting as if I hadn't even spoken at all. I couldn't understand what was up with him on that day. He'd never been extremely pleasant to be around, but that was most certainly a step back.

I sighed, taking a picture of him and looking at it to see if it was any good. I sighed as I noticed that it wasn't bright enough. "Why's this way harder than usual" I murmured, not wanting to admit to myself that Harry's tenseness was affecting me as well. "I don't understand." I sat down next to him again, giving him a glance from above the camera.

He was looking at the sky, apparently paying absolutely no attention to me.

I put myself in a kneeling position next to his chest. "Can you look at me?" I asked him, and thankfully he complied, even if I could see a trace of defiance in his eyes. I truly had no idea of what was going on with him. Why he was acting like that all of sudden, seemingly for no reason at all. "You never smile" I commented, before raising up my camera again.

"Why should I?" He asked unexpectedly, his voice holding a somewhat sharp edge.

"I don't know" I replied, "I never know what you're thinking."

He gave me a harsh look. "Do you even care?"

I frowned, putting the camera down on my thighs. "What do you mean?"

"We aren't friends" he hissed. "We're barely acquaintances. I'm here because I have to be, not because I want to."

I stayed silent, not really knowing what to make of his outburst - that had no reason to happen, for the matter. I played with the buttons on my camera for some seconds, feeling like lowering my gaze, but not being able to. "Okay" I said in the end.

But he still wasn't finished. "I don't care if you're been staring at me since I stepped in here or whatever, I owe you no explanation on my behaviour" he continued. "Don't talk to me as if you knew anything about me, because you don't."

I nodded. "Okay." Maybe Aiden was right about him after all, the whole situation really was uncalled for.

"I'm going to leave" he said, standing up and going inside.

I debated on whether I should've followed him or not, before standing up and going inside as well. When I reached the hallway he was already putting on his jacket. I looked at him from a few steps away, not really knowing what to say, or if I had done something to set him off like that. He opened the front door and got out of my house fast, leaving no trace of his presence but the faint perfume of his cologne behind.

I went upstairs, throwing my phone on the bed. I would've had to do with the picture I had taken of Harry, because I absolutely had no intention to ask him to come back that time.

I turned around as I heard my phone buzz from where I'd thrown it between the pillows. I lay down on the bed and took it, noticing that I had just got a text.

From Unknown Number: hey, it's Aiden. I was wondering if you wanted to go out tomorrow afternoon?

I smiled to myself, saving his number and typing in a reply.

To Aiden: Sure.

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