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Arielle POV

The sun broke through the blinds waking me up. I looked around and I was in the bedroom. Confused, I jumped up and rushed into the livingroom, but there was nobody.

I looked at my phone and I had no messages from Nate and no clear memory of what happened. So I called Meka.

"Hey Arielle, Im on the way back there now wassup?" she said as she answered the phone.

"Back here, what do you mean back here" I said still confused.

" Um I stayed the night there. I left to go get us something to eat. You okay?" she asked as I went silent.

That means that-

"Ari, you there?" she said breaking thought.

"Uhh yea yea, I just had this dream. Im okay, Ill see you in a bit" I said as I hung up the phone.

I laid against the wall and slid to the floor, crying.

"It was a dream" I said crying. "He didn't come back"

Minutes latter I heard keys in the door so I quickly jumped up to wipe my tears away and fake a half smile.

Meka walked in and looked at me.

I tried not to make eye contact but I did and by then she already knew how I was feeling.

Tears rolling down my eyes now, she put the food down and hugged me.

I told her the dream and then there was a silence. . .

Nate POV

"Man, why do you think coach called a team meeting?" I asked Odell as we walked into the team facility.

He just looked at me and shrugged. I feel like he knows why but isn't saying anything.

As we were making our way through the building, I seen some of the rookies from mini camp walking out of the building with there bags and seeing that honestly had me sick to my stomach. Maybe the meeting was to say who and who did not make the team.

Minutes later all of the players got settled in the film room and coach was at the front.

"As all of the vets know, I hold this meeting every year to tell you what I and the rest of the staff expect from you all this year" Coach said.

"This year? Does that mean we made the team?" I thought in my head.

All of the rookies began looking around including me and the vets were smiling, even Odell.

"With that being said...Congratulations rookies, you are now apart of the New York Football Giants!" coach said as all the vets jumped up snd began shouting.

I looked at O and began laughing. "Im a New York Giant?" I said. and he nodded.

I made it.

After speeches from the coaches, we all got up to leave. As I walked out the door, Coach pulled me aside.

"Hey davis, follow me to the office, I have something for you" He said as I followed his lead.

When we mad it to the office, he told , me to take a seat and handed me a piece of paper with my name at the top.

"Read it" he said smiling.

After looking at it and reading it my smile grew.

" A 4 year deal worth 40 million with 29 gurrenteed, and a signing bonus?" I said making sure it was true.

I continued to read to make sure it was legit and it was.

"Welcome to New York" Coach said as i signed the contract and smiled.

About an hour later news broke and my phone was blowing up. Me and Odell made it to the crib and turned the TV on.

"All Im saying is that I think the Giants made a dumb decesion, signing a jail bird. That is usully a Jerry Jones/ Cowboy thing. I mean who is this guy" Stephen A Smith said. 

"Oh you gon know me by this time next year, Everyone will." I said not sweating what Smith had to say.

"Come on dawg, lets go celebrate in Miami, and bring work out clothes" Odell said getting up.

"WE COMING JUICE!" Odell said as I laughed.

Arielle POV

"Local and Former LSU player Nate 'OT' Davis has just made the New York Giants team and will suit up for them for atleast the next 4 years" I heard the News say as I walked back in the room.

"Great, now if I keep calling him, Im going to look like some hoochie going after his money." I said in a low voice.

"Girl what you need is a Vacation, Im thinking a beach." Meka said

"Im not in the mood to go anywhere Meka, plus im pregnant and broke.

" Youre barely a month pregnant, and My dad gave me hella graduation money. Being a judge's daughter has its perks" she said with a smile.

I rolled my eyes" Fine, maybe you right, but where?"

She thought for a minute..."Miami" she answered.

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