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"Bro you gotta calm down. Do you take meds?" Jarvis asked calming me down as I paced back and forth in the dorm.

"Yea, but not always, it's never been this bad. I didn't wanna take meds because I didn't wanna depend on meds for my moods let alone accept I'm bipolar. "

"Man you gotta learn to love ya self flaws and all before you can love anyone else. As far as ole girl idk Bc y'all just met. So don't stress about her."

"I think it's cool having a bipolar bro." Odell said. "I can relate to someone. Nah I may not be bipolar but I can be a hot head at times."

"Boy you just crazy as hell." Jarvis said pointing at Odell. "But fo' real man, take meds its for your health and we don't want you doing anything you going to regret. Maybe this is what Ari is afraid off man."

I sat and thought for a minute. Maybe her finding out the way she did scared her. Maybe she's scared of me hurting myself or her.

"Alright man...I'll take them on the regular. " I said getting up throwing on some light blue ripped jeans and a white polo.

"We behind you on everything but um, where you going ? Odell asked.

"About to go find Ari and talk to her. " I said.

"Okay everything except that" he said pointing at me.

Jarvis punched his arm

"What he means is, it'll be better if just you and her talk"

I laughed "I can handle it. " I said before leaving out.

On the way to Southern University I called Ari twice but got no answer. On the third call she answered.

Ari: Hello
Nate: Hey Ari, we need to talk.
Ari: I was about to say the same.
Nate: I'm about 5 mins away from ya dorm. We can talk then.
Ari: okay...

I got to her dorm and knocked on her door. "It's Nate" I said. Few moments later she answered the door.

"Are you okay?" I asked her. She looked tired, her hair was everywhere and it looked like she been crying.

"Yea" she said in a soft voice letting me inside.

We sat on her bed facing each other.

"What happened the other night?" I asked breaking the silence. 

"I got scared and ran off. "

"Scared of what?"


"Because I'm bipolar..." I said trailing off.

She took off her hoodie and showed me all these marks on her skin.

"I just got out of an abusive relationship, he was bipolar" tears now falling down her cheeks.

I honestly didn't know what to say so it was quiet for a minute.

"You think I'm going to do the same?"

She nodded her head up and down honestly crying harder now.  I grabbed her and pulled her close to me in my arms. 

"I'm scared Nate! I can't go through this again."

"You won't. Look I didn't mean to scare you. I didn't wanna tell you because I didn't want to look at you any differently or think I'm crazy. Im not abusive or anything."

"I'm not just scared for me, I'm worried you going to hurt yourself. This is a serious thing."

"I know Ari, I'm working on it." I said kissing her cheek.

I wiped the tears from her face and her eyes met mine.

"Just give me a chance" I said.

She thought for a minute.

"Can you be a little slower as far as us? Like can we just be friends and hang out. This is a lot for me to try to go through again as far as personality. "

"I understand, yea that's fine

"I think Ima head back to LSU" I said. She nodded. 

It was early in the evening but it began to thundering and lighting.

"Nate" she called as I was walking out.

I looked back at her and nodded.

"I'm scared of storms" she said smiling.

I smiled back and walked back over to her bed and laid beside her.

"I'll protect you"

She smiled and buried her face in my chest before going to sleep. I laid there listening to the heavy rain hit the window with loud thundering and lightening strikes that followed.

I looked at her and thought "what are friends for". I laid my head back and went to sleep.

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