How did they end up together?

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(😉sorry Nashi... and everyone else)

"The host club was at their normal meeting when Tamaki stood up. This was not unusual as he tended to be rather dramatic about even the smallest of things, but what he said shocked them all.

"Everyone, I need your help. I have a crush and, well, I'm not the most confident."

"Tamaki you literally flirt with girls everyday. It's our job." Haruhi says with a mixture of disbelief and irritation.

"Yes, but that's in a large group and this will more than likely be one on one. Tamaki is nothing if not a self contradictory fool." Kyoya interjected with roll of his eyes.

"Well Tamaki, it seems you need some of Kyoya's patented 'devine intervention' as he says." Hikaru adds and Kaoru suppresses a laugh.

Mori simply shakes his head and Hunni claps with joy.

"So who is it Tamaki?" Hunni practically squeals.

"Well, she's in Kyoya and my class and I think you all know her, Suguha Kirigaya." Tamaki says awkwardly. (if you get the shity reference clap your hands)

All around the table eyes go wide. Even Mori was in shock at the information. Mori shook him head, got up and felt, his only thought being that he would only help if absolutely necessary. Of course he was closely followed by Hunni, who wanted to go talk to his other friends and come up with his own plan to help Tamaki. That left Hikaru and Kaoru evilly laughing and generally being no help. Tamaki, Kyoya and Haruhi carried on with the meeting, Tamaki's crush only coming up briefly before moving on.

   The next day Tamaki was dragged off by the twins as soon as he stepped inside. When they finally let go of him they were in the music hall. Neither of them would tell him a thing until the doors open again and Mori, Hunni, and Suguha walk in talking among them selfs. Haruhi, who had been there when they had arrived, pushed Tamaki toward the bother girl as Mori and Hunni made themselves scarce.

     "H-h-hey Suguha..." Tamaki said with a blush. "So are y-"

     "Will you go out with me?" Yuki half shouted.

     "What? Yes! I mean yes. That's what I was-"

     "I know, Hunni and Kyoya told me." She said shyly, kicking the floor.

     "Well then, can I walk you to class?" Tamaki asks shyly. She nods and takes his hand as they walk to class.

   Hikaru looks the the couch on the other side of the room and asks, "so how did that devine intervention feel? Huh Kyoya?"

   Kyoya stands up with a smile. "I'm glad he's happy," was his simple reply and it was true.

   All that night Kyoya argued with his own brain about how he felt. It was true that he was glad that Tamaki was happy but not that he was happy with her.  The next day, Tamaki said nothing as it ate him alive to see Tamaki with her, holding hands with her, flirting with her, happy and sick with the overwhelming joy of their new relationship.

   Tamaki and Kyoya texted everyday all summer when  Tamaki found out his girlfriend spent hours on the phone with another guy and would go days without talking to Tamaki. Tamaki was honestly really sad and it took a lot for him, but he ended it with her, but Kyoya was still there.

   Kyoya cheered him up, he made Tamaki smile when things got bed, they laughed together and Tamaki who hated mornings got up at 4am  so he could talk to Kyoya before he went to the school's summer classes. Later in the summer, Kyoya told Tamaki that he had a crush on someone and gave Tamaki a list of 10 names that included his crush.

   And with Tamaki's inferior skills of deduction, he managed to 3, of of which was himself, because of Kyoya's relationships with the people in the list. Through much pestering, Tamaki finally managed to get Kyoya to admit that it was Tamaki he had a crush on.

Tamaki took a few days to realize he felt the same way. The pair would call at night and Kyoya would always fall asleep with Tamaki on he phone. One night after Kyoya was asleep, Tamaki whispered "I love you too" and hung up.

   When Tamaki's family got home from vacation, the first thing he did was find Kyoya and when he did, he kissed him. Pulling him into a tight hug and telling him how much he missed him, how much he loved him.

   The two of them were perfect and it was plain to see that, but only a month later they were forced apart by jealousy and fear. In the time they were apart, they dated other people to make one another jealous and they were both successful, but later on they were able to be together once more. They moved on from what scared they because they knew they were stronger this time and this time they were together forever."

     "Wow momma, grandpas were really weird weren't they?" A little boy asked his mother who had just finished telling him about how his grandparents had ended up together.

     "Yes baby, I guess they were." She says, tearing up when she remembers her dads and how much they loved their little family.

     "Will we ever go back to Japan so I can meet them momma?" He asked.

     "No. Grandpa Tamaki and Papa Kyoya are with Mushi in the safe place, remember?"

     "Do you think that they play fetch with Mushi there? She loved to play fetch." He looks up at his mother who is driving.

     "I'm sure they are." She smiles back at her little boy who had lost the dog only a few weeks ago before looking back to the road. "Don't worry baby, after you you live your life, which will be a long time, you'll get to see them."

   She smiles and looks back at him again as their car is hit by a drunk driver on the wrong side of the road.

   When the little boy opens his eyes, he is holding his mother's hand and standing outside white gates.

     "Momma, where are we?"

     "The good place. I'm sorry baby, but you have to stay out here so you can go back to daddy, but I can't go back with you. I'm sorry baby, I love you."

   She pulls him to her in a hug and when she lets go, she walks through the gates. The lituboy stand there and watches and a blond man and and a black haired man hug his momma before he wakes up in a hospital.

   He sits up and sees his dad crying next to him. He reaches out to comfort him and says "mommy is home. She's in the good place with her daddies."

My Ouran High School Lover (Tamaki x Kyoya one shots)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang