Ouran High School Writing Club (part 2)

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It had been a few months since Kyoya had joined the Writing club and he enjoyed it immensely and had gotten a lot closer to a certain blond and had begun to really like him. He felt safe with Tamaki, enough so that he let his walls down and now he felt dangerously close to him.

"Ok, we have to work on the posters for club day." Kyoya states as he looks at all the markers, stencils and poster board in front of him in Tamaki's room. Tamaki was behind him, sitting backwards in his desk chair next to his bed.

"Come on Kyoya, we don't need all this. If we make the posters too elaborate then we'll scare off all the bookworms." Tamaki whined.

"What?" Kyoya turned to look at his friend.

"I was friends with the group of kids that are always in the library, well 2 or 3 didn't like me, but I know them. This club was meant for them. All they want is a plain brown poster with black block letters and if you must use a stencil, use the book one and use blue paint." Embarrassed,

"As you sure that'll work?" Kyoya was a bit taken a back by Tamaki's bounty of ideas to draw on the bookworms.

"Ya, of course we can make 2 posters as the bookworms will wander through the stands before the big group shows up. After they big group gets there we can put up a poster and a new signature sheet that will draw in the extroverts, Hunni can make that."

"How do you know all this?"

"I told you, I was one of the bookworms. I had a short hair cut, I was almost always wearing a sweater, jeans and sneakers. I also had glasses. Now I just traded in my sweaters for t-shirts and hoodies and I still wear jeans though."

"Glasses, really?"

Tamaki groaned and fell back on his bed. "Yes, ok? I have contacts."

Kyoya was curious now. He never really pictured Tamaki with glasses, but muscle deterioration didn't care about the type of person, it's genetic.

"I find this rather interesting, may I see your glasses?"

"You... want me to put on my glasses?"

"I'm just curious as to what it would look like, I can't picture it."

With a sigh, Tamaki got off the bed, walked into his connecting bathroom and grabbed his glasses out of the cabin above his sink. He took out his contacts hesitantly.

Tamaki hated the the way he looked with glasses. He hates how bad the made his peripheral vision and how small his field of view got. He also hated that his glasses made his face look bigger than it was and made his eyebrows look huge.

Tamaki put on his glasses and looked in the mirror. He sighed again in dismay of how he looked, but he walked out of the bathroom, instantly feeling self conscious. He rubbed his left arm with his hand, looking away from Kyoya to hide his blush.

Lucky for Kyoya that Tamaki wasn't looking at him or he would have seen Kyoya's amazed look and slight blush.

"S-so do you want to clean up the poster stuff and watch a movie or something..." Tamaki mentally kicked himself for being so awkward, he figured Kyoya already found him weird and was starting to dislike him. Stupid glasses making him over thinking and worry and self conscious and honestly, scared.

"Sure." Kyoya replied as he pulled himself together.

The two boys began picking things up, their hands brushing ever now and then, until they both reached for the same marker and their hands rest on top of each other's. For a moment neither moved, Kyoya's hand was on top, but soon Tamaki became flustered and pulled his hand back with the last marker. He rushed to put things away as a distraction from what had just happened, but Kyoya worried that he had been wrong to get attached to Tamaki.

When he finished putting things away he put on a movie that he knew Kyoya liked and sat on his bed to watch it. Kyoya had stayed on the floor, do Tamaki pulled him onto the bed.

He move was long and Tamaki was tired, so he ended up falling asleep... on Kyoya's shoulder, who did his best not to move. He wasn't at all apposed to what was happening, but he knew Tamaki would pull away in embarrassment if he woke up like this.

Kyoya took Tamaki's glasses off of him and put them on the end table. He pulled Tamaki's blanket up to cover him the best he could and wiped his bangs out of his face. Somehow, Tamaki managed to look sad even in his sleep. It made Kyoya frown, but at least he was sleeping. The way he looked most days he didn't seem to get much.

When the movie ended Kyoya stayed where he was, holding Tamaki for a while. He checked the time and it was almost 6, so he rested Tamaki's head on the pillow as got off the bed. He felt bed that they hadn't really done anything, so he quickly made a Writing Club poster the way Tamaki said, wrote him a note and left.

When Tamaki woke up a few hours later, he saw a piece of paper on his end table with his glasses. He put on his glasses and read the note.

You were right about the poster. I made it by the way. Sorry I had to leave and didn't want to wake you since you were finally getting some sleep. -Kyoya

Tamaki was surprised. He made the poster? He got up and looked at the poster Kyoya had made. He ran his fingers across the neat handwriting and smiled.

Tamaki decided to take a shower, so he grabbed his clothes and did so. When he got in bed, he started writing and kept writing till well past midnight before he finally went to sleep. (Also, literally me rn)

In the morning, Tamaki was his normal sluggish self at school, but he faked being well rested in hopes of tricking Kyoya, it didn't work.

My Ouran High School Lover (Tamaki x Kyoya one shots)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant