I miss you

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*video chat started*

"Hey baby, how was your day?"

"Hello Tamaki. It wasn't that great. The rest of the hosts aren't very easy to deal with."

"That's what I deal with. Do you have a theme yet?"

"No, nobody will agree on one, they all just argued today between Hawaiian, Carnaval, or animals for the theme, in the end they decided against all of them!"

"Hm, go with superheroes. We've done similar things that go over well so it'll be perfect."

"Plus it can easily be put together in a week and it's cheep!"

Tamaki laughed at how happy Kyoya was with the low priced idea. He look rather adorable when he got excited, but then came the question he didn't want to hear.

"How long will you be gone again?"

Tamaki's smile fell for a second, but he forced another.

"Only a week or two more." He had said that for the last month and a half. Even he himself was starting to doubt it and he really missed his boyfriend. He missed the smell of his shampoo and his cologne. He missed how you could always tell he ironed his clothes every morning and how effortlessly smart he is. He missed the soft feeling of his lips and the way he was always awkward about holding hands. He missed just laying down and holding him after a long day. He missed how peaceful he looked when he slept. He missed everything. "I promise this time."

Kyoya had had a particularly bad day. Normally he would have just gone home with Tamaki and make Tamaki hold him, (It just started raining on one side of my house but sunny on the other wtf Kansas) but Tamaki wasn't here. Normally when Tamaki held him, he would hum and Kyoya could feel his chest vibrate when he did. Honestly, though he would never tell anyone else, it made him feel more comfortable and safe.


"Yes Mommy?" Tamaki smiled softly, he could tell Kyoya was trying to say something that was a bit hard for him.

"Will you, will you sing to me?" Kyoya felt a bit embarrassed asking, but he

"Of course love." Tamaki hated the way it sounded when he sings, but Kyoya liked it so that was all that mattered in the moment.

(Start song please, also the rain just stopped) As Tamaki started to sing, Kyoya felt a little better, even if he wasn't always on key. But what made it all perfect was that it wasn't just any song, it was their song, the song they always listened to in the car and, at least Kyoya's my case, when he missed his boyfriend.

Kyoya honestly didn't know what to do. This always seems to make him smile, listening to him. As Kyoya listened to him a small tear ran down his cheek. He didn't know if it was happy or sad because he felt both in that moment.

After a week of video chatting for hours every night, Kyoya got home from class, tired and just upset in general. He didn't feel like talking, he just wanted to see Tamaki, to be with him really. There was something to be said for just laying together silently.

Kyoya sat at his desk looking at his contacts and found Tamaki and started a video chat.

"Hi mommy." Tamaki said softly, a huge smile on his face.

"Hi." Kyoya said crossing his arms and putting his head down on them.

"Are you ok love?" Tamaki looked worried and Kyoya noticed he was walking.

"Where are you?" Kyoya questioned worriedly.

Kyoya jumped when his bedroom door opened and he saw a familiar mop of blond hair.

"Right where I'm supposed to be." Tamaki smiled at his boyfriend and ended the call.

Another tear escaped Kyoya's eye, only this time it was definitely happy. The emotion on Kyoya's face was pure joy, then it changed.

"Why didn't you tell be you were coming home today! Are you kidding me! What if you were on the plane when I called? You wouldn't have been able to answer! Do you know how worried I would have been? Seriously, think about other people before pulling stupid stunts like this!"

Tamaki was scared that Kyoya was actually mad at him, until he stormed over to him and pulled him into a hug.

"Don't you ever do this again, understand?" Kyoya's voice was slightly muffled as he had his head buried in Tamaki's chest.

Tamaki wrapped his arms around his boyfriend and smiled. He muttered "I missed you too" and kissed Kyoya's head.

My Ouran High School Lover (Tamaki x Kyoya one shots)Where stories live. Discover now