Finally come Eve and Kilorn, Kilorn holding the small silver pouch that contains the rings, Evangeline holding little Clara's hand as she scatters rose petals across the aisle. Kilorn smiles at me as he comes to take his place at my right hand. He stands alert, holding the rings carefully in his hand. Evangeline gently leads Clara to Mrs. Barrow who scoops the little one onto her lap, she then takes her place parallel to Kilorn. 

Now's the moment. And I have no idea where to look. Do I look at the floor, or at the door where I so desperately want to? I probably should've asked someone. I opt to look at my feet as I try and figure it out, but there is a small gasp from Gisa that quickly becomes a sob as she leans into Farley, trying not to cry. On instinct I turn, and find myself unable to stop my jaw from dropping and my eyes from filling with tears. 

Mare Barrow has never looked so beautiful. Not in the decadent dresses of the court or the tattered uniform of the Scarlet Guard. The clean white of her dress brings out the beautiful golden undertones of her skin. She looks like she is literally glowing. I cannot quite see her face, it is obscured by the veil of white, but it looks like she's smiling. 

Mr. Barrow is hesitant to release her arm as he brings her to my side in front of Julian. But she gently pulls from his grip. I shake his hand, looking him in the eyes. I cannot stop smiling. 

"Be good to her." He says gruffly, trying hard to hide the tremor in his voice. 

I nod, knowing I won't be able to stop myself from crying if I open my mouth. He takes his seat next to Mare's mother. 

And so I turn to face her, gently lifting her veil up and over her head. When she lifts her dark eyes to meet mine I feel my face split into a smile and my eyes begin to flow freely with tears. I have never smiled so wide. 

Julian begins to speak but I cannot hear him. In this moment I am transported into another world. A world where it is only the two of us. After a moment of just taking it all in I pull my eyes from hers to look at Julian as he continues with his service. 

"Love is the solution to war. And it is love like I have seen between these two that I know will one day bring peace to our Republic. It is today before the eyes of the people of Norta, Montfort, and the Premiers of those nations themselves that they are declaring their love to one another. Now, I believe you have elected to write your own vows?" 

He looks at Mare with a small smile and nods slightly. She takes my hands in hers.

"I grew up hoping to survive conscription and perhaps one day marry someone I liked fairly well. I never once even considered that I might find a happiness like I could never dream of. Cal Calore, from the moment I met you, I felt comfortable with you. No matter what happened, what choices we made or paths we followed I was never able to stop myself from trusting you-"

She is crying now. 

"and from loving you." 

I am crying too, tears flowing freely down my cheeks. 

"And so, Tiberias." 

My name does not feel like a blow or a jab. It feels more right coming from her in this moment than it ever has before.

"today, for now, for tomorrow, and for always"

She chokes on a small sob and I wipe her eyes with my hand. She rests her hand on mine and once again turns her face to me so her eyes meet mine.

"I choose you."

I can hear sniffles and sobs coming from the people all around us. I keep holding Mare's hands tightly, never wanting to let go. 

"Rings?" Julian asks.

Kilorn steps forward and hands Mare a silver band. Even his eyes are watering!  She takes it in her shaking hands and slips it on my ring finger. Evangeline raises an eyebrow and it shrinks slightly, settling to a perfect fit. I shoot her a small smile and she nods. 

"And you, Cal?" Julian asks, prompting me. 

I sniff once, trying to collect myself before I begin.

"When you fell through the shield at Queenstrial, needless to say, I was shocked." 

I can hear groans and a few chuckles from the people in the chairs and from the bridal party around us. But Mare lets out a loud, genuine laugh. She shakes her head at me, a smile dominating her tear stained face. That smile could light up a room. 

"But nothing could prepare me for what was to come, for the love I would find in that girl who fell from the sky. You were the first girl to see me as just Cal. No titles, no crown, just me and my sketchy cycle, and my naiveté."

I pause to take a breath.

"When you and I were at absolute odds and I stupidly tried to take on the Nymph Princess, when I felt myself drowning, my only thought was of you. How I simply could not die because- because it would mean that never again would I get to see you, to speak to you, or to hold you."

I have to pause to wipe my eyes.

"You have kept me grounded through my world collapsing and reforming only to collapse all over again. And through it all, you have loved me. Even when I didn't deserve it. I love you more than anything in this world, and today, always, for everything that you are, I choose you."

Kilorn steps forward and hands me Mare's ring. I see he too is crying now. He steps back as I slip the silver band onto Mare's finger. I smile at her, biting my lip. She returns the smile. She is truly the most beautiful woman in the world. 

"By the power vested in me by the Free Republic of Norta that I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

The words have barely left his mouth when I have pulled her into my arms, kissing her deeply as I pull her in closer, closer, as close as I can. I can't seem to get close enough. 

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