15. Omaha

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I'll admit. It was upsetting saying goodbye to Hayes. I never ever knew I would like someone like him. He actually makes me happy...More than Kaleb ever did.

When we arrive to our house, the Jacks and Sam throw themselves on the couch, my mom goes to the kitchen to make some dinner, my dad greets us a short hello as he rushes to work.

I set my bags down on the floor by the couch and then head into the kitchen to tell my mom.

"So how was your weekend, honey?" She asks.

"Oh man, it was great." I smile.

"Oh I can tell, your dimples are popping out," She laughs.

"First of all, want to explain the hospital situation?" I stay silent for a moment. "C'mon, Spencer. Did you really think I wouldn't find out?"

"I-I-hit my head..." I whisper.

"That bruise on your cheek tells a different story." She points.

"What?" I run to the bathroom. The bruise was still there. Actually, worse than usual. I run back out. "Um, I-"

"Relax, Spence. Jack told me." I look at Jack and he mouths "I had to," back. I sigh. I know he had to but why couldn't he just ask me? Or at least tell me he told.

"I don't know where he came from..." I whisper.

"Relax, honey. He's not gonna touch you. I promise." My mom pulls me in for a hug.

Later on, after I ate with the guys and my mom, I went upstairs and plopped down into my bed. Oh, how I missed my bed. I snuggle underneath the blanket and almost fall asleep. Then I get a next and who is it? None other than Hayes.

H: Hey I just landed and I miss you already, lol

S: I miss you too! Ugh it's so long until we see each other again...

H: yeah but who knows? maybe we'll be together sooner than you think ;)

We texted for a little while until I really fell asleep. I'm guessing Hayes eventually realized I was asleep because he stopped the ongoing messages. It was cute when he was protective.


In the morning, the smell of eggs, sausage, pancakes, and strawberries filled my lungs. I immediately spring up, put a hoodie on, and then run down to the kitchen. Oh man, this is another thing I missed. Mom's breakfast...

I grab a plate and fill it up before Jack comes down. He always eats all the food! I mean I eat a lot but he eats the whole platter. Then I hear Jack come down and laugh.

"What?" I chuckle, grabbing a bowl of strawberries.

"You act like I'm a starving child, coming to eat everything in the kitchen." He laughs.

"Uh, because you are?" I say.

"True," Jack jogs over to counter and grabs enough food to have leftovers.

"You're both starving children." My mom jokes. Jack and I let out a laugh. "So what's the plan for the day?"

"Me and Sam were probably just gonna go hang out at Mike's or somethin'." Jack says, with a mouthful of pancakes.

"No Jack?" She asks.

"Nah, I think him and his mom are doing something."

"What about you Spencer?" She asks.

"Probably go play volleyball with Jenna. You know that our season starts in like four weeks?" I say. "I need to practice!"

"What about Hunter?" My mom asks. Jack and I stay silent and I sip my orange juice. I look at him and lift an eyebrow saying "you didn't tell her?" and he gives me a shrug and says back "thought it didn't need attention from her."

He was right. But now I think I should let her know. Just in case she tries to invite Hunter over...

"Me and Hunter had a little fight," I sigh.

"Oh no, what happened?"

"She's the one who brought Kaleb. I saw them together when she was supposed to be with Nash."

"That's horrible!"

"Yup," I say.

"Well, I hope you're feeling okay,"

"I'm fine."


After dinner and a shower, I lay down in my bed. It had been a long day full of tears and stress. It felt good to finally relax. I just couldn't get the Hunter & Kaleb situation off my mind.

I unlock my phone to see millions of texts from Hayes. It was absolutely adorable.

H: hey babe

H: whatcha doin'?

H: i miss you

H: you're so beautiful

H: I wish you were here with me.

H: I love you.

S: I love you too.

I couldn't stop smiling. He made me feel whole and I know it's dumb to say, as I'm only 13 going on 14, but he just does...

I look up at the glow in the dark stars on the ceiling. It almost reminded me of the time we were on the beach, running around, staring at the stars. I missed it, tons more than I should have.

Suddenly, someone knocks on the door. I shout for them to come in and I don't get a clear sight of the person. It was a view from the side of my eye. But when I turn, I see someone who completely ruins my mood for the night.

Standing in my room as a shadow in the dark was Hunter, the last person I wanted to see.


A/N! (Sorry!!):

Sorry it's been so long! We have started volleyball season and I literally only have Sundays off. I feel like I've got a job 😂

Anyway, as I said before, I'll try to upload as much as I can. But since school will be starting in 3 weeks & volleyball not ending till October, it might be a little hard!

Thanks for reading this far, though! Tell me what you think about it so far in the comments! ❤️

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