8. Hide and Seek

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After the lacrosse game, since we got a tie, Hayes and I decided to go on a fro-yo date. When we walked in, girls absolutely died when they saw us.

"Oh my god! It's Hayes and Spencer!" They scream.

Out of all the fans I've met, I'm surprised I haven't met any that hate me. It feels good to meet the right ones. A girl comes up to me and asks me to sign her shirt. Then even her little brother asks for a picture.

Hayes and I met the girls and even some guys, took pictures, kissed some cheeks, and even got cool gifts and posters. Then one girl who stuck out to me. She had scars on her wrists and she seemed nervous to come up to us.

"Hey I'll be back, okay?" I tell Hayes.

"Okay," He replies. I walk over to the girl.

"Hi, are you okay?" I say.

"Oh my god! You're Spencer Gilinsky!" She yells softly.

"Haha, yeah. I am." I smile. I look at her wrists and she quickly hides them. "No, don't hide it. I have them too." I show her mine against hers. "It's okay."

The girl looks like she's close to tears. I pull her in for a hug. That's when she started bawling.

"I want you to know that you're important to the world. I know you feel this is the only way out, but there's too many things in the world to look forward to. Don't take the easy way out.

"I've been in this situation before. It's not great, I know. But you can do anything. The most damaged people are the strongest. If you ever need anything, just tweet me or anything. You can even call me." I grab a napkin and a pen.

I didn't give her my real number of course, but I did give her a number I use on an alternate phone. I trust her, but I don't give my personal number to fans.

"Take this." I smile.

"Thank you so much," She starts crying again. "I love you and your brother. You guys are the sweetest. Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"Anytime. You're never alone in these types of things. Stay strong for us, okay?" I pull her in for a hug again.

"Okay." She cries again.


After the fan madness, Hayes and I finally got to get our frozen yogurt. We sat on the outside porch in the front towards the beach. It was a nice sunny day in San Diego. I even got to spend it with someone I love.

"It amazing to meet a girl who's tough, beautiful, and sweet all at the same time." Hayes says.

"Aw," I smile. "You're cute when you lie." I take a spoonful of yogurt. I look at him and he's looking at me with a look. "What?"

"You're beautiful. That's the truth." He says. I can't help but blush and smile.

"Seriously, I love you. Where have you been my whole life." I laugh. He was too cute.

It was about 6:30 PM when Hayes and I decided to take a walk on the beach.

"You know, these past two days have been awesome. Even though I just met you, it feels like it's right." Hayes says.

"Yeah but I feel like I've known you for forever. It's like we're attached. You like lacrosse, I like lacrosse. We almost like the same things."

"You're right." He grabs my hand.

We walk down the beach barefoot, shoes in one hand, the other one holding on. We looked at each other at the same time. Then we laughed.

"You're seriously the cutest thing Spencer." He tells me.

"Whatever," I laugh. I kiss him on the cheek.


Later that night, we walked back to the hotel. I was guessing it was really late because no one was awake and the lobby was empty.

"So what should we do?" I ask.

"Well there's the pool or we can play hide and seek?" He says.

"I think I'd like hide and seek better." So I had to seek first. Not too bad of an idea, I'm good at finding but not hiding.

"You count to ten, okay?"

"Okay." I smile.

So I turn around in a corner and counted to ten.











"Ready or not, here I come!" I say. I go down the hallway. There was two ways I could go. I could go left, leading to other rooms or I can go right leading to the vending and laundry machines...

Definitely right.

So I turned. I called for Hayes but no answer. I looked in the dryer and the washer, still no one. I even looked in all the spaces. Guess I can check that off the list.

So I go left.

I don't bother to go inside the rooms because who knows what people are doing? So I just search through openings like spaces in the walls, other rooms, etc. When I still can't find him, I go back down the hallway where our rooms are.

"Ugh!" I yell. Then suddenly, I see a shadow move towards the hallway. So I start running towards it with a smile. "I've got you now, Grier!"

I turn the corner and it wasn't him. It was nothing. Weird...Then I feel a pair of strong hands pull onto me. I scream.

"Man, you're horrible at this game." I turn around to see Hayes's mischievous smile.

"You're horrible for scaring me," I hit him in the chest.

"Aw I'm sorry babe," He kisses my cheek. We start walking back to the rooms, fingers interwind with each other's.

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