Chapter 23: Pushed To The Limit

Start from the beginning

Mira: "So, Erza's one lucky gal then isn't she?" He looks at me confused.

You: "Uh, sure?" Did he seriously not know what I was referring to?

Mira: "Well, I mean she is, if she's with someone like you." He laughs and waves it off.

You: "No No, Erza and I are just good friends, for now, maybe later down the road, she does have nice... features..." He says carefully, like he was scared of how I would react.

Mira: "Well, so do you, and from what Cana says not only is your body in great shape..." His cheeks turn a shade of pink.

You: "Greeeaaaat..." He says, smiling through the embarrassment. "Well, once Laxus comes back you'll have him again." WHAT?!

Mira: "What are you talking about?!" Nobody knew how I felt about him, I had made sure of that, so how did M/n figure it out when he knew Laxus and I for a month, then he was expelled.

You: "Oh, come on Mira, let's not hide it. I've figured out who everybody likes already."

Mira: "Really?" Hmm? Maybe his ships match up with mine?

You: "Lucy and Natsu is obvious, they're always together. Gray and Juvia most likely. Elfman and Evergreen I think is going to happen eventually." Wait?! They Were Serious About That!? "Hmmm, Erza and the Tower guy seem really close too, wouldn't be surprised if she ended up with him." He says scratching his chin.

Mira: "Wait? Don't you like Erza?"

You: "Sure, but her and Tower guy were a thing before her and I, so it's her choice really."

Mira: "Ok then, anybody else?"

You: "Yea..." He grumbles out.

Mira: "Who?"

You: "Well Carla and Happy will definitely happen at some point, that cat's too persistent to give up. Levy and Gajeel of course will become a thing sooner rather than later... And finally..." He grumbles out. "Wendy and Romeo, as much as I don't like it, she talks to him WAY too much to not like him..."

Mira: "AWWW!! You're Like A Protective Father!" He groans and lies back down.

You: "Am not. I just don't want her dating yet, I was told to protect her, and boys as young, and even older teenagers are just not a good thing. Romeo isn't necessarily the problem, I just think her age is too young." Hmm, so he did like Romeo, I was starting to think, by the way he was talking, Romeo was somehow a bad influence. "Man... I'm gassed, I'm going to go lie down in bed for a few minutes, then we can head to the guild, sound good?" Minutes?

Mira: "You're going to sleep for a few minutes?" He shrugs.

You: "Can't sleep without someone else, no use in wasting time."

Mira: "I'll Do It!" I scream out, both louder and faster than I wanted to.

You: "Really? You don't have to, I hate to force people to." I nod and walk in front of him upstairs. "Okey dokey then." We both fall onto the bed and pull the covers up. A few minutes later, I feel his arms around me, and his head on top of mine... He was so warm... Man, I could get used to this, I guess I'll have to send Erza away more often, his arms were so strong, yet he wasn't squeezing me or anything. Jeez, I can see how he has managed to sleep with so many women before. I roll over and snuggle into his chest, I wish this feeling would last forever.

Your POV

I wake up with Mira snuggled up next to me. I yawn and slowly get up, trying not to wake her. I walk over into the bathroom and begin removing the bandages. Man, these were some nasty ones. Each of them must have been at least a few inches long, and they were all fairly deep as well. Once I get all the bandages removed on my torso, I begin healing each of them, although after the first few, I realized they were all going to scar... God, damnit... I groan as I take off my pants and begin doing the same thing. Once I finish, I sit down on the countertop, using even that much of my healing abilities was taxing on my magical energy. Finally, I begin healing the ones on my face, putting more energy into them, hoping they wouldn't scar as much. It actually worked pretty well, only two of them left noticeable scars, and there were quite a few of them. One directly to the left of my left eye, and the other was low on my chin. I put back on my clothes and walk downstairs, surprised to see Mira finishing up cleaning a glass.

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