Chapter 21: Focux

Start from the beginning

Erza: "What happened with Focux M/n?" I take a deep breath, I can't let her know.

You: "He brought up a painful memory, that's all."

Erza: "You wanna talk about it?" I shake my head.

You: "Nah, it's not your problem, it's mine, I'll be fine." I can't tell her. I don't like to burden other people with my problems.

Erza: "No. Tell me. If it's your problem, it's mine too." I shake my head.

You: "Don't push me Erza, this isn't an argument you can win."

Erza: "Wanna bet?" I glare at her and sit up.

You: "No. You won't win."

Erza: "You sure about that?" I stand up and walk over to her. I glare down and bend over so I'm even with her face.

You: "Yes." I stand back up fully and walk upstairs. I slam the door and sit down on my bed. I run my hands through my hair and take a deep breath. God damnit.

Erza POV

What was that all about? Is he really that bent out of shape about this? Then I hear something outside, and above me. Next thing I know there's an explosion outside and above us. I see M/n come flying over the railing downstairs. I see three people dressed in dark red robes jump down after him. But he rolls out of the way before they can hit him. Then he jumps back at them, punching each in the gut, then I see his claws appear through the men's backs. He throws them outside off the balcony, as an arrow pierces his shoulder, his left shoulder... I reequip into heavens wheel, and take down the remaining 5 with ease... Wait, t-then why was M/n struggling. Wait, he didn't use any magic that fight...

Erza: "M/n..." I growl at him as I return to my normal attire. "Just what was that little stunt? Why did you not use any magic?"

You: "Didn't want to blow up the house." Hmm...

Erza: "No, I want the truth, and that wasn't it. You wouldn't care about stuff like that in that situation." He sighs and grabs his hurt shoulder as he sits against the wall.

You: "I can't use my Dragon Slayer Magic right now. It weighs far too heavily on my body... Plus, every time I use it people get hurt that don't have too. The side effects of using a god's magic have just become far too much for my body. Did you ever notice I didn't use it against the war with Phantom, or that I used it very sparingly against Jellal. I even refrained myself against Laxus. But when the Oracion Seis appeared, and in Edolas, and then, I used it far too much against Grimoire Heart. My body was literally disintegrating every time I would use it. I have pushed my body past its limit. Plus, I really didn't want to destroy the house any further, the yard and roof are both already busted." So, is that why he's been acting so differently?

Erza: "Ok, uh, my apologies, I did not know your body was in such rough shape." He just laughs in response. "What was that about?"

You: "Come on, you've seen my body. It isn't exactly what you'd expect when you look at me. I mean, how old do I look, late teens maybe?" I shrug, but nod, seeming reasonable.

Erza: "Yea, about that age."

You: "See, but then I take off my shirt, and sure my body is in good shape, but it's so beat up you'd think I've fought in wars. I don't know, it's just weird to see people's responses when they see the scars, I mean, there are quite a few of them." He says, ripping the arrow from his shoulder, then healing it with his magic.

Erza: "But you can still use healing magic?" He nods.

You: "I can use my Energy Transfer magic too, but I have to refrain from using Dragon Slayer magic unless absolutely necessary."

Erza: "Ah, so it's a trump card now, only used in dire situations?" He nods and stands back up.

You: "Yup, now, I have to go fix the roof since it's supposed to rain tomorrow. Could you light some lanterns or something for me?" I nod and he thanks me, then walks back upstairs. I come up with a lantern and some small flashlights. I throw them through the hole up to him and he thanks me again, then returns to his work. I return to my room, and an hour or two later the pounding stops. I hear him jump down and walk in through the door downstairs and up into his room.

Your POV

Still no good, the water will still seep through that.

You: "Hmm?" Now how would you fix a roof to be water tight...? Water tight...? What holds in... Got It! Rubber! It holds in air on tires perfectly find, I just need to find rubber and a way to stick it on around the creases between the roof and my patch!" I walk down and out into town, then take the tires from someone's magic mobile, but I left a decent wad of cash behind so we should be good. Then I stop by Natsu's and drag both him and Happy out of bed and carry them to my house since they refused to walk. I cut through the tires and set them down around the patch, then forces Natsu to melt them. Once he does I drag him back home, then return and wait until it's dried up. Once it does I pour a bucket of water on it and run back inside, I run into my room and am glad to find my room completely dry. "Yes!" I say fist pumping to myself. "I'm The Best!" I throw off my clothes and flop down onto my bed. But as soon as I do I hear a rooster's call. "Really?" I stand back up and walk outside. "Shut Your Rooster The Fuck Up!" I scream out. Only to hear an unexpected response.

Man: "Fuck You! This Is My Rooster And He Does What He Wants!"

You: "It's 6 AM! People Are Trying To Sleep!"

Man: "You're Just Lazy! Go Do Something With Your Life!" I groan and walk back inside, only to hear the rooster again.

You: "The Hell?! Does this thing have a snooze button or something?" I groan again and hold a pillow over my head. Then I hear my door get thrown open. Wwwhhhhyyyyy...? I say silently crying to myself.

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