Dragon Games

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A/N: IMPORTANT: just a quick note, "John" the advisor has had a name change. He is now "Thomas" I realized that the name John was already taken ((y/n)'s father) so just that one change! Anyway, enjoy!

Chapter 10

I awoke the next day not as refreshed as I wanted to be. My eyes felt heavy, along with the rest of my body. The covers seemed to be the anchor that held me down, and it wasn't going to let me up anytime soon. I wanted to sleep in the rest of that day, but I knew that that would be impossible. Any minute now, I was sure that Thomas would be upstairs getting me up to dress Eliza and prepare her for her day.

I sat up letting the blanket fall off my arms, making my top half shiver from the cold air. Berk has some pretty strange weather. Some days it was nice and warm, then the next morning would be cold. Regardless, the cold air helped to wake me up more. I rubbed my eyes, causing my vision to go black momentarily before letting my thoughts go back to last night. My cheek, despite my wanting to, no longer felt like Hiccup had kissed it. I wondered what today would be like around it him, if it would be weird or not. The thought of seeing him today almost gave me anxiety, and I almost didn't want to in fear that things would be awkward. But, I'm not one to let fear take over, and I knew either way today I'd see him, and I'd have to be ok with it.

I sat up straighter when I heard footsteps, followed by a knock at my door. I scrambled to my feet to at least look like I was starting to put myself together for the day when the handle turned slowly. Eliza popped her head in.

"Oh good, you're awake. You'd better hurry, Thomas is getting upset. It's almost noon."

"What?!" I stopped gathering my clothing for day and looked at her. The loudness of my voice made her jump slightly. "I'm sorry, your highness, but I slept in that long? Why didn't anyone wake me up?"

"You were up late last night, I just wanted you to get some extra rest. So I ordered my dad's advisor to let you sleep, no questions asked."

The look I gave her must have been that of confusion and disbelief, because shortly after she frowned. "What? I'm not mean or anything." I gave her a reassuring smile. "I know. Thank you." She smiles back and turns to leave, shutting the door behind her.

My heart aches slightly knowing she doesn't even know we are related by blood, once in the same womb. It doesn't surprise me she doesn't know me anymore, not by my face, voice, or personality. We have a few memories together from being little kids, when we were allowed to play together. I remember my mother telling us we acted more that young boys with all the trouble we would get into. We would play pranks on the palace servants, but only small innocent ones, like putting a bucket of water of top of a door, or a cupcake on someone's seat right as they sat down.

By ages 7 and 5, we moved on to wanting to bake with the maids. Eliza would let me put her curly blonde hair up into a net little bun, and we would play with some dough the maids let us have. We'd make cute little shapes for our parents, village people, and each other. The maids would handle baking whatever we made in the hot ovens since we were not allowed near them.

While our goodies baked in the ovens, we would play outside in the huge gardens. Some maids would be assigned to watch us to make sure we wouldn't run off or get hurt somehow. I taught her how to make flower crowns out of daisies. I'd always make her the crown, and she'd make me a bracelet. By the time I was done with the crown that's all she would done, but I loved them the same.

By the time I turned 8 year's old, I was put into a special princess school to learn how to be royal and how to run a kingdom. I never got to play with Eliza anymore, or see her really. The first couple weeks when it started, she and I would sneak out of our rooms to play at night. But my father found us and forbid us from doing it again, stating that I needed all my rest to learn how to rule the kingdom. He told me I needed to grow up, and be a role model for Eliza.

The Princess, The Chief, and The Servant [Hiccup X Reader]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz