Daddy had to leave (Swap Gaster)

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Swap, his mother and bunny  belong to @bun-bunmuse
Fox belongs to @phaunicier (sorry I forgot to ask you if I could use you, if you want I will get ride of this ASAP!)

He picked up his orange and blue stripped sweater, folding it and putting it in his suitcase. His small bony fingers grip the metallic zipper and zips up the large suitcase. He pulled it off his bare bed, it landing with a thud on the cold wooden floor.

"Are you packed sweetie?" His mother asked as she peeked her pale skull into his room, her kind blue eye lights giving a small kind glow calming her nervous child.

"I just need to grab Ms.Bunny and I'm ready!" He replied cheerfully. His mother smiled at her child eagerness, gently taking his suitcase from him and watching as he runs to the window and grabs his brown bunny teddy bear, it was a rare find indeed. It was part of a collection, she forgot the name of the collection but it's why the bunny was dressed like a it was alive, she herself had a nine tailed fox from the same collection.

The bunny had a small hoodie and glasses. His mother found it funny that a bunny needed glasses but Gaster insisted to keep them on when she offered to take them off.

"I'm ready! Can Ms.Bunny sit with Foxy?" Gaster asked, he always liked it when the two teddies sat with him. His mother nodded as they both walked out of the now bare room and out of their old home, his mother closing and locking the door. She put the large black suitcase with her own, she opened her bag and grabbed the nine tailed fox and closed the truck. She walked over to the left side back door which was opened and her son struggled to buckle up.

He whines but doesn't notice his mother watching him. She put her fox next to Ms.Bunny as she tried to take the buckle from him, he yanked it back and looked up at her.

"Mom! I'm a big boy! I can do it myself!" He whines, pouting. His mother smiles and playfully rolls her eyes sitting down on the floor in the car.

"I know you're a big boy sweetie, but even big boys need help." She said sweetly watching Gaster struggle to buckle himself up. He finally gets it after a few tries, he giggles triumphantly as his mother smiles and gets up kissing his cheek bone.

"Good job Gaster!" She praises and he giggles shyly. His mother passed him the two teddy bears and closes the door. She gets in the drivers seat and checks the rear view mirror, smiling seeing her sons pastel blue and orange eyes turn to stars as he plays with the teddies.

They drive in silence for two hours, the only sounds that filled the car were the radio and her sons giggling. Her sons laugher had faded and he just stared at his teddies. His mother checks in the mirror and grows concerned as she saw her sons happy and cheerful smile had grown to a small frown, his face and demeanour had fallen to a sorrowful and thoughtful one.

"Gaster, baby? Is something wrong?" She asked, turning the radio down so her son could hear her and she could hear his answer.

"Mommy? Why did daddy leave?" He asked. She froze, of course that's what was eating at her son. Her boyfriend -his father- just couldn't handle being a father, they had both agreed that it was for the best that he left and she took custody of Gaster. But without his father supporting them his stay at home mother couldn't afford the house. She decided to move back to her old house near the river, she was a river person and was raising Gaster as one. It would be better anyway, it was part of a river person community so he could hang out with other river kids, she could teach him to boat and it wouldn't cost her anything to live in her family home.

"Daddy had to go baby." She sighed and continued. "Daddy loves you though, he just." She paused to think of how to continue her sentence.
"It was for the better." She finished as she hopes her son just took it as is.

She and Gaster stayed quiet the rest of the trip, Gaster holding Ms.Bunny and Foxy and looking out the window, herself focusing on the road.

They finally get to the river and her old house, Gaster had fallen asleep cuddling the teddies. His mother smiles and gets out, unbuckling him and picking him up and carrying him into the house and into her old bedroom, it being bare aside from the bed and white curtains on the window.

She tucked him in, the dark blue blankets keeping him warm. His mother moved all his things inside his room silently to not wake him. When she was finally finished getting everything inside and to the right rooms it was half past midnight.

She sighs and retires to her parents old room, moving the blankets to slip under as she falls asleep instantly. Gaster cuddling up with the teddies, one of the fox's tail moves under Gasters chin tickling him. The fox and bunnies mouths curve into smiles hearing the little monster giggle and cuddle into them more.

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