A Night of Restlessness (gaster gang)

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These guys don't belong to me! The Gaster gang belongs to @bun-bunmuse (on tumblr) I have used some photos as inspiration.

You could hear a needle drop in the void as the room grew cold, a tall man stared at his counterparts open shirt showing his broken soul. The mans blue and orange eye lights disappeared into his sockets. The other sat on their shared bed, his eyes closed and his shirt slipping off his left shoulder. He cut the silence with his smooth void.

"Um Swap?" He called the others nickname, with their shared name it was easier to call the others by characteristics, the man in front of him Swap and his own B or Blindy after his lack of vision. He was shoved back by his counterparts full body.

"How are you still alive!!" He was asked while being pushed back, he had to act fast! If swap was to loud he would wake up the others and they would come to see what was up. He quickly flipped them over as they were falling, they landed so B was holding his hand on Swaps mouth, sitting on his pelvis.

"Shhh, please Swap be still and silent. You'll wake up the others." he said putting his other bony finger to his mouth mimicking a silent gesture. He removed his hand as Swap sits up rubbing the side of his skull.

"I'm sorry about that B, it's just that." He pauses pointing at his soul.
"I don't understand how your still alive with a soul so....broken?" 'Oh Tori almighty what even is this?' He thought unable to understand how his friend was still alive with a part of his soul gone.

"Are fractured souls not normal in your world?" B asked, truth be told his soul and him himself was fine. It was normal for a monster who survived the war to have a fractured soul.

Swap was blown away! How could something so serious as a fractured soul be normal! He swore he was loosing his skull!

"Normal!" He grabbed his shoulders. "There anything BUT normal!" He started ranting, his friend shushed him by explaining everything. It took a while for him to understand but he eventually got it and they laid in bed, falling asleep.

Meanwhile in the other bedroom, two twin beds sat in the room. One empty, the sheets moved as the occupant left it. The other had the tallest skeleton asleep, he woke to the feeling of disappointment. He knew the feeling, it's the feeling he feels every night that his friend spends in the lab instead of in bed.

He opens his violet eyes and sits up rubbing the clouds from his vision.

"Wing dings are you?" He stops to stare at the empty bed, sighing and mumbling 'not again'.  He gets up letting the dark grey blanket fall to the floor, stretching.

He walks down the dark hallway, the only light being his star amulet letting off a dim purple glow. He opens the lab door.

"Wing dings, are you in here again?! You really must get the proper time of sleep my friend" He pauses at the door staring at his friend, whom is face first on the desk fast asleep. The one named stars smiles and lets off a small chuckle.

"Always the workaholic aren't you Wing Dings." His smile drops as he hears in clarity what his friend is mumbling, constant self doubt and apologies. He blames himself for him and his friends imprisonment in the dark void, it's the reason he spends so much time in the lab trying to figure out a way out, the reason he never sleeps properly and falls asleep in his eggs in the morning. 

Stars signs and walks over to the desk scattered with papers and pens, picking up the smaller arm and wrapping it around his neck to easily pick him up. He lifts him into his arms and sighs.

"You mustn't blame yourself, we'll find a way out of the void. But for now, you must sleep in a proper bed and rest." He states calmly as he carries Wingdings to bed, laying him down and gently laying the blanket over him.

He sits on his own bed and stares at the sleeping figure. He lays down and stares to the ceiling, unable to sleep or calm his jetting nerves.  He sighs and gets up again walking down the creaky old steps to the living room and kitchen.

Before he even finishes the steps he can hear the tv and is light casting a shadow of the couch and a figure sitting up staring at it, he pauses and sighs finishing the steps and walking to the couch instead of his original destination. The figure on the couch's irises are gone as he stares blankly into the tv reliving memories of the past.

His soul hummed in pure joy as he watched his son waddle towards him away from his mother. He and his fiancé cheered the little one on as he finally made it to his father, he was swept up in a hug and his face was peppered with kisses and praises.
"You did it Crstyal! Good job!" His fiancé praised as she took the toddler out of his fathers arms and into her own helping him up, she told him to go get a stake from the freezer in the garage for a special diner for this special occasion. He did just that and went to the garage and dug through the freezer. He froze as he heard a blood curdling scream from his house, he dropped the pot pie he was holding and dashed into his house without a thought. He came to a dead stop as he made it into the living room where he left his family, laying on the floor was his fiancé and child. He ran to them and checked their pulses, there was nothing. They were dead.

Stars sighs knowing what his friend is going through, he turned off the tv and grabbed two blankets covering the two of them as he sat next to him wrapping his arm around the other. He grunts at the gesture but doesn't pull back.

They stay like that for a while, until he fell asleep. Only then did Stars finally lay him down and go up to his own bed and flop onto it not bothering to cover himself falling right asleep.

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