Hidden Pain,Under Control. Finale!

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John: Don't you understand?

I stare at them with widen eyes.

John: We are in a game! Only the president knows that! You can't delete anything for good.

I take a moments to collect my thoughts. I stare at them with the widen eyes and a huge creepy smile.

John: I got the mental scarring Natsuki was supposed to have but the player gave it to me. I also have Yuri's self harm,Sayori'a depression and Monika's Yandere attribute.

They stare at my while also backing up.

John: I'm not in control anymore! I can only show you my goodbye as I lose all the control.

I shed a tear and give them my smile of reassurance.

John: I'm sorry for what I will do.

I start to feel myself leave my body.

I look around at my body and see him try to kill them.

What do I do?!

Wait.... I have admin privileges!

I quickly go into my file.

File Corrupted!

I know what I must do.

I take control.

John: Listen! ITS ME! I came to say goodbye. I have to go for a long time.

I smile as tears roll down my face.

John: Bye. I love you Sayori.

I see her try to hug as I start to fade away.

John: It was only way for you to be safe. I will delete theses attributes for good to save you guys. Natsuki you can be president. Sayori I promise I would go out with you If I could. But you'll forget about me soon enough. You all will.

John: Another one bites the dust......

I fade into nothingness. I'm in a black void.

Sayori's Point of View

Sayori: John!?!?

I wake up in a jolt and find find his house nonexistent.

Sayori: No... Why?! Why do you care about us?!

I walk to go school with my head down.

I hear a few bully's teasing me about sad for once.


I walk off and go back to my club, Mesozoic Club.

I walk in and everyone saw me being down.

Monika: Are you okay Sayori? What happened?

Sayori: I don't want to talk about it.

Natsuki: It's my duty as President to help you.

She turns around and types something in somewhere.

A picture of John and Me when we were kids pops up.

I start to cry.

I hear a voice behind me.

John: I'm sorry.

I turn around and see him there.

Sayori: You didn't leave me!

I tackle him to the ground.

John: Listen, Natsuki brought me back but lost her powers in the process.

John's Point of View

John: You still on top of me.

Sayori: I know.

She has this look in her eyes that I've never seen.

John: You know we've been friends for 16 years and I've never seen you make that fa- Wait.....

John: Natsuki you fucking dipshit retard! Why would you make us all 18?!

She smirks evilly at me.

John: Just so you can't be Loli.

I shake my head in Shame. I look and see Sayori even closer than before.

John: U-uh could you b-back u-up off of m-me?

I ask nervously.
She looks at me and makes that weird face.

Sayori: You gotta keep your promise first.

John: Oh..... That's what this is about.

I sigh a sigh of relief.

John: Will you go out with me?

I look at her nervously.

John: I understand if you don't want -

She interrupt by kissing me.

Sayori: Yes.

I layed there waiting for her to stop kissing me.

Every time I tried to break the kiss she would hold my face towards her's.

She eventually stops and gets off of me.

I get myself up and remember something.

John: What time is it?

Sayori: Your mine- I mean 4:29!

She blushes nervously.

John: Oh shit I gotta go!

I run home to find my dad waiting outside.

David: I said 4:30 sharp! Now get inside and wait in your room!

John: Yes sir.

I walk up to my room and wait for my beating.

David: This time you'll get it!

He threw me out the highest window.

I waited til he went to sleep then I limped over to Sayori's house, bloody.

I knocked on the door. When she opens the door I collapsed into her arms sobbing.

Sayori: What happened?!

John: My dad.... Threw me out my highest window.

I hold her tightly.

She looks at me and starts to bandage me up.

John: Where do I sleep? Is there a spare bedroom?

Sayori: Yes there is. Mine.

She gave the weird look again.

The End

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