Nightmare-ish Phazes

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It's Ethan's dead body.

I shake my head in disbelief.

It was gone.

I go upstairs losing all fear in me.

I just sat down on the couch ignoring everyone.

I decided to make a call to a therapist.

I grab my things and head off. I didn't know where I would go,but I would go somewhere.

A few hours pass and I find myself at my neighborhood. I walk up to what used to be my house.

I fall to my knees and stare at it.  It's the Burning Glory I escaped. I stare watch as the flame dies down. I go to my bank and pull out some money. I go to an apartment and purchase a room for a week.

I try to fall asleep but fail. I thought about where Natsuki would live.

I text her the bad news.

John: I know you are probably still loopy, but when you are not please read this.

Natsuki: I'm not.

John: (Picture of Burnt House)

John: Someone drenched the house in gasoline then threw a match in while I was in there. So just ask to move in with Sayori or something.

Natsuki: Where will you live?

John: An apartment.

John: My life Keeps getting worse and worse.

I turn my phone off and I think what I should do with my life.

I hear my door open.

It's Sayori.

I just stare at the ceiling with no emotion what so ever.

Sayori: Are you okay?

John: No. I hate my life.

Sayori gives me the biggest hug of her life.

I start to sob.

She comforts me for another few hours.

John: I keep seeing him everywhere.

I look at my clock and realized that my I have to go to my therapist.

John: I have to go to my therapist now.

I get my shoes and begin to walk out.

Sayori: Can I come with you?

I hesitate

John: Actually I-I was going t-t..

She looks at me extremely sad and worried.

John: Sure.

As we walk there I feel her hold my hand.
I look at her start blushing. After she realized she was holding my hand she squeezes my hand tighter. I start to fall in a trance while staring in her eyes. As I stare I see Ethan's dead body. I close my eyes in disbelief. Reopen them to to still see him. I stop walking and keep blinking but to no avail. I feel a hug. Everything goes back to normal.

Sayori: You saw him didn't you?

John: Yeah. But this time it was worse. He wouldn't go away until you hugged me.

She pulls me along to the therapist even faster than before.

Now that was the Sayori I'm used to.

Time Skip to after Therapist

I was prescribed a few medications and a personal therapist that will come to me every Wednesday.

As I was filling out the form Sayori took the sheet and wrote her address as the place for the therapist meeting place.

As walk I ask her about the whole situation.

Sayori: Natsuki is moving in with Yuri and You are moving in with me.

John: You're fine with this? Even though I'm a... b-boy?

Sayori: We have been friends a really long time. It would be like having sleepovers every night!

John: Well,I'm going to need to get my stuff then.

I smile at the fact that Sayori is willing to do all this for me. Even though I'm worthless.

I get my stuff and walk back with Sayori.

John: Are your parents okay with this?
Sayori: My parents moved to Oregon a little bit ago.
John: Oh.

I think of something to say to lighten the mood.

John: As a permanent member of this household... I officially ban Jasmine Oil.

She starts laughing a real laugh.

John: I don't mean to kill the mood but... How are you doing with your depression?

She smiles.

Sayori: A lot better thanks to you.

We get to her house and she helps me get my room ready.

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