A New Problem

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I go downstairs while wrapping my arm in a bandage to find Sayori asleep on my large couch and Ethan asleep laying next to the only one awake Natsuki.
I pick up Ethan and take him to his room.

John: Natsuki can I talk to you for a minute outside?
Natsuki: Sure.
Natsuki follows me outback.

John: I know this might sound a little weird considering we just met and stuff.

I take a second to regain my thoughts.

John: I uh.. Are you abused by your parents?

Natsuki looks at me in tears.

Natsuki: Y-yeah.
John: Has he ever drawn blood from you?
Natsuki: Yes.
John: I want you to go back there and text me if he makes you bleed.
Natsuki: T-thank you. I n-never thought anyone could h-help me.
John: Don't thank me. I'm just fulfilling a promise.
Natsuki: I'm guessing your going to need my number and address.
John: Oh yeah.

I say that like I'm an idiot.She laughs, then proceeds to add her number then her address.

Natsuki: I guess I'll be on my way.
John: Thank you for looking out for me.
Natsuki: I should be the one thanking you. You stopped Austin from bullying us and gave me hope I won't have to live a terrible life.

She hugs me and I hug her back.

Natsuki: Bye!
John: Bye!
I go back inside and go to sleep,

I wake up early and make breakfast for us three.

I go to wake up Sayori.

John: Morning Sawe.

Sawe is what Ethan called Sayori.

Sayori: Real funny.

John: I want to talk to you about something serious.

My face goes stern.

I usher her to follow me. I have her breakfast in one hand and one empty hand. I take her to a spot in my backyard that we used to use as a venting session to talk to each other.

I take a seat and pat my hand signaling her to sit. I hand her breakfast.

John: 1st thing is that I know you are depressed. And I am ashamed of want I did and how long it took for me to figure out.
She looks up with tears in her eyes.

John: I scheduled a therapy appointment for you and Ethan. I'm sorry. I understand if you don't want to be friends anymore.

I start to cry.

John: I couldn't bare the thought of you ending your life early or at all. I was just being selfish.

I close my eyes as tears roll down my cheeks.

I feel Sayori wrap her arms around me.

Sayori: I happy you did this for me. I couldn't find the courage to do it myself. I'm thankful I have you as a friend.

I thought about saying something but I was interrupted by Sayori.

Sayori: You saved me and Natsuki from Austin. You weren't afraid to get beaten up if it meant others were safe.

John: That leads me to my second thing and You have to keep this a secret. Don't tell anyone not even Natsuki or Ethan.

Sayori looks at me with those big blue eyes.

John: I stepped in because I've been bullied my whole life. Ever since I was in preschool kids would pick on me. Even some grown ups.

I look down at the grass. Pondering if what I did was right.

Sayori: Why do you say such bad things about yourself?
John: Because that is what I've been told my whole life.

Sayori looks up at me with her arms folded and tucked up against her chest trying to conserve body heat. I take my jacket and put it on her then smile gently.

She hugs me and whispers into my ear..

Sayori: Don't listen to what they say. Because they are wrong.

I see her smile. A true smile. I couldn't help but smile at her.

John: Let's go in inside you look freezing.

She grabs my arm and practically pulls me inside.

Time Skip to afternoon.
I just finished remodeling Ethan's room so it's split in two. One half for Him and the other half for someone else. There is even a wall I added in between which isn't easy to build to say the least.

As I admire my work I get a text from a unrecognized number.

???: I don't know what you did to my daughter but I'm going to find you and make you pay.

John: Do I know you? Do I know someone you do?

???: You don't know me yet. But you will. After all, I'm Natsuki's dad.

John: What are going to do?

???:Make you bleed. Just like a I made my daughter.

I quickly screenshot that message and call the police and tell them the address of Natsuki. And the story.

I get a call from a different number from last time.

John: Hello?

???: I want my son Ethan back.NOW!

John: Who are you and why would I give you him? I'm his legal guardian now.

???: I'm Ethan's Mom but you can just call me Kiersten.

John: F**k off! You disowned him. You had your shot to raise him and you failed miserably.

Kiersten: I know your address, you C**t! I will get him back.

I run down stairs to find Sayori and Ethan Sleeping.
I wake up Sayori.
John: Do you a place that is far from here and Natsuki's that you could take Ethan too?
Sayori: I could take him to Yuri's. Why?

John: Natsuki's dad is out to get me and Ethan's mom is out for Ethan. So take him now and hide him at Yuri's. I'm granting you in charge of him for the time being.

Sayori starts the car and I put Ethan in the car and they drive off.

I wait about an hour till I see a woman with curly blonde hair knocking on my door. I answer.

John: Hello is there something wrong, Mam?
Kiersten: Yes. You being Alive.

AN: Wowie this took so long to type, but this is 1000 words not counting this.

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