The Conflict

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I walk over there.
John: What is going on here?
Bully: You should know.
That is my bully named Austin. He is a senior so at least this is his last year.
John: I think I do know. You snooped down so low you had to bully second years.
That got an oooooohhhhh from the crowd.
Austin: Go away or I will sit on you.
John: Oh no, Your going to fart on me. I'm petrified!
I say sarcastically.
Another Ooooohhh from the crowds.
Austin: At least I my parents are still alive.
John: Fu-
Austin: At least mine can live to see me graduate.
The crowd gasps. I stare at him in shock and in Anger.
Austin: Nothing to say now,little freak.
John: Actually there is something,
John: At least my parents cared about me.
He immediately draws back a punch and released it. He punched me so hard he hurt his hand. I get up and then that is when most kids went I get a teacher and a nurse.
I look up at him smirking.
Austin: Your so frail I could kill you in 3 more hits.
John: Do it then.
He punches me again. I dodge the attack but I am immediately hit on my bad side of my face.
He the. Punches my stomach causing blood to come up out of my mouth.
John: Don't Do (cough up blood) this...
He punches my stomach again. Causing more blood. He then punches me in the head again. He reels for a final blow when I hear a teacher scream at him.
I start to fall unconscious.

Sayori's Point of View
Rewind to when John shows up.

Me and Natsuki Take This as a chance to go get help. Because this will escalate quickly. As we leave we hear kids gasping and then moments later run to get the nurse and a teacher.

Time Skip to After Fight
I run back to see Austin there over John who is not to far from a puddle of blood.
I look over to see Natsuki Petrified.
The nurse said he will be fine but he will have to go home for today and tomorrow.
Nurse: Since He doesn't have a guardian someone will have to stay with him.
Natsuki and Sayori: We will!
Nurse: Ok then I'll drive you folks to his house then.

Time Skip to After the Nurse leaves them

John's Point of View

I wake in my house.

John: Where is Austin? I wanna beat the sh*t out of that bast**d
Sayori: Settle down he got expelled.

Natsuki: How are you feeling?

John: I'm goo- Wait why are you two in my house again?

Sayori: Because we have to watch after you!

John: You are gonna make me come out and say it won't you?

Sayori: What?

John: Ethan come down here!

Ethan rushes down the stairs and sees them and stars to hide from them.

John: Sayori meet Ethan,Natsuki meet Ethan,
Ethan meet Sayori and Natsuki.

Sayori: I thought your family was dead.

John: They are. I found him starving on the streets. He was abused by his parents so he cut himself to make them stop. He then eventually got depressed since they never stopped abusing him. Then they disowned him.

They both went from shocked to sad.

John: Me and him are like brothers.

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