27 - A long Ride 🛣️

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🙋🏻‍♀️ - Areena's POV
🗓️ - November 04, 2022


“Are you going to get up or not, Areena? It’s already eight in the morning,” Mom said, her voice cutting through my half-asleep haze as she opened the curtains. The morning sunlight flooded my room, brightening everything in its path.

“Yeah, Mumma. I’m getting up,” I mumbled, though I had no intention of moving.

“You’ve been saying that for the past half hour, Areena. Are you sure you want to get up today, or are you planning to spend your Sunday in bed?”

“I’m up, Mumma,” I insisted, reluctantly pushing myself out of bed. In truth, I wanted nothing more than to stay under my warm blankets all day. But I knew that wasn't an option.

I quickly freshened up. Since it was Sunday, I decided to stay in, opting for a comfortable short kurta with a Patiala shalwar. As I brushed my hair and looked at myself in the mirror, Abid’s face flashed before my eyes.

It had been two days since my last encounter with Abid. Zain Uncle was discharged from the hospital the next day. I remembered how Abid had cried like a child, the raw vulnerability in his tears tearing at my heart. I couldn’t stop myself from comforting him, running my fingers through his soft hair. I loved his hair. When he hugged me, butterflies fluttered wildly in my stomach. But the moment he gave me that look—so full of anger and rage—those butterflies vanished. He could flip from one emotion to another in seconds. His anger was justified, reflecting my own guilt. And then there was that almost kiss. I’d been thinking about it non-stop for the past two days. What would have happened if my phone hadn’t rung? Would Abid have really kissed me?

“Are you coming downstairs or not, Areena? Stop being so lazy!” Mumma shouted from downstairs. Why was she so restless today? It’s Sunday. Couldn’t I be a little lazy?

“Areenaaaa…!!” Mumma called out again.

“Cominggg…” I yelled back, hastily brushing my hair and running downstairs. If I didn’t hurry, Mumma would be furious.

Mumma and Papa were already at the breakfast table. I greeted them and took my seat, the delicious smell of pancakes making my mouth water. I quickly served myself and started eating. I was lost in my own world of deliciousness when Papa spoke.

“Just get ready after breakfast. We’re going on a picnic with Zain and his family.”

My spoon slipped from my fingers, clattering onto my plate.

His family.

“I’m sorry… picnic? I mean, wow… but suddenly? I mean, it’s a good thing… when…” I stammered, my thoughts racing.

I didn’t complete my sentence because Zain Uncle’s voice came from behind.

“Yes, Beta. A picnic is a wonderful thing. That’s why your father and I decided on it yesterday.”

I quickly turned to see Zain Uncle and Afiya standing there. My mother and father greeted them warmly, and I stood to greet them as well. Afiya hugged me, and I hugged her back. Over the past few days, we have created a new bond. She was sweet and beautiful, inside and out. I had talked to her last night, but she hadn’t mentioned anything about a picnic. Maybe she didn’t know either.

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