Chapter 24a

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As soon as our group reached the outer clearing of Camp, Orlo intercepted us and went directly to Niralessa. "Oh, thank goodness you're back." His posture was fidgety and uneasy. "We have some visitors."

Visitors? Oh no. My spirits plummeted. Our last set of visitors resulted in way too many deaths.

Niralessa tensed. "What kind of visitors?"

"They say they're friends of Nirrin." He turned his three eyes on me, questioning.

All the other eyes in our group focused on me as well, and I got defensive. "What? I have friends. Why is that so surprising?" Actual questions flitted through my mind, though. Which friends were they, and what were they doing here? How did they even find us?

"Where are they now?" Niralessa asked Orlo coldly, clearly displeased.

He gazed toward the center of Camp, where I instantly recognized Sember and Remi perched on a woodpile, waiting. Remi looked calm and patient, but Sember's arms were crossed, which meant she was feeling edgy and temperamental.


I was elated to see them, but at the same time, a cold splash of reality sloshed over my previous good mood. Did something happen to Bren? Were they here to drag me back to my duties? I dreaded what kind of news they might be bearing. Hadn't we had enough drama in one day?

They both noticed the commotion we were causing and looked our way. I decided it was better I greeted them first, rather than a hostile Niralessa.

"Sember! Remi!" I said, trotting forward. "What are you doing here?"

Sember leapt to her feet, relief spilling across her features. "What are you doing here?"

I faced Remi with annoyance. "I thought I told you not to worry about me. That includes not worrying Sember!"

"Sember can think for herself!" My friend's green eyes sparked with irritation, and her fingers twitched.

Not a good sign. This was not going well at all.

When the rest of the group caught up to me, Sember's eyes locked onto Fen.

"You!" She whipped her hand back, a fireball instantly flaming in her hand. "What did you do?"

I spread my arms wide and jumped between them. "He's a friend!"

It wasn't enough. The next thing I knew, every outcast within sight of us had their weapons out.

"Sember," Remi whispered urgently, placing a hand on her fireball arm, "maybe you should put that away. Nirrin looks fine."

She surveyed me, then the armed people around us. "Are you really fine?" she asked me. "You're not a hostage or anything, are you?"

"Sember, no. I came here looking for my mother. And I found her." I gestured to Niralessa, who had an arrow nocked and ready. I went over and pushed her bow down. "She's my friend."

"She looks dangerous," Niralessa said warily.

"You look dangerous," I snapped. "Put that down."

"Your mother?" The flames in her palm poofed away, and Sember's confused eyes darted between me and the green woman beside me. "How . . ."

"How about some introductions? This is getting way too tense." I addressed the crowd. "Everyone, this is my best friend, Sember."

I noticed her little smile when I said that. I smiled back at her, a tiny shaft of warmth wriggling its way through the tension. She'd come looking for me because she cared that much about me.

"And this is Remi," I continued. "He's—" I stopped myself before I blurted that he was Gifted like they were. A lesson from my childhood. Don't tell people things that aren't yours to tell. "He's a friend too."

He waved awkwardly, obviously uneasy about the situation they found themselves in.

"You've met Niralessa." I inclined my head toward her. "And that's Minocken, Illis, Fenrook." I pointed at each one, pausing on Fen to give him a private smile. His brown eyes gleamed back.

Once again, Sember's hackles rose at the sight of Fen. "So what were you doing in Foresthome anyway? Nothing good, we know that."

At least she didn't threaten with incineration this time.

Fen's brow crinkled. "Uh . . ."

"Why don't we talk somewhere else?" I suggested. "Like, without an audience?"

Without waiting for a reply, I grabbed her hand and headed for the nearest path. Remi followed.

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