Part 1

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You might be wondering how I got here. Sitting in a clinic at nine in the morning with my two best friends on either side of me and my worst enemy across the room as he bites on his fingernails and shakes his leg from how nervous he was. As for me? I'm quite calm. In some situations, some women are probably smiling with excitement, or crying as their 15 year old daughter's name is being called into the back room to get checked up. It's not that I was in a "fuck it" mood, but I think I too was shocked at the news I got this morning, and have no way to show my emotions. Before I completely lose you all, I'll halfheartedly explain why I'm here.

*2 weeks ago*

My friends Janine and Ella and I decided to go clubbing on a Wednesday night for some crazy apparent reason. As if we didn't have work the next day. And as we got there, I couldn't help but glance to my left to glare right into Ella's soul when I realized that she had invited a couple more people to our "girl's night out". Kim Taehyung and his pack of friends Jimin and Jungkook. I know that Ella had a thing with Jimin, but I never understood her reason for inviting the other two. I couldn't stand being in the presence of Taehyung, let alone the same room. Just the sound of his name gives me chills of anger throughout my entire body and I swear to you my blood pressure rises every time I see him. He noticed me glaring at him and wasted no time to glare back at me. I know he felt the same hatred towards me as I did for him, and I really wasn't complaining. I sucked in some air and breathed out softly, trying to calm myself down. It's suppose to be a fun night, I'm not going to let him ruin it.

We entered the club and immediately found a booth, and I made sure to let all the girls go in first so that I wasn't stuck in between them and the boys. I was fine sitting at the edge, and had no intention in communicating with the others - especially him.

"So, what do you guys want, drinks are on me." Taehyung said as he got up with a smug smile on his face. Everyone cheered except for me of course. I was too busy rolling my eyes. There he goes again, flailing his money in everyone's faces like if that's going to please us. But by the looks of it, everyone seemed pretty pleased with it. They started shouting out names of different vodkas and beers and I sat there quietly. If they want to order something then that's fine. I'll just... you know... just silently take from that bottle. I can drink anything really. Taehyung suddenly brought his attention to me, and I stared back up at him. The flashing lights of the club would brush against his face at times which gave me a good view of the look on his face. He was staring at me with a blank, annoyed look like if his mom had just made him do a favor for someone he had no intention on doing favors for. Which is kind of half true? I just shrugged, "Whatever they're getting, I guess." He chuckled at my response and turned his head, "I'll be right back."

He left the table and I sat back on the cushioned couch and Janine nudged my shoulder. "What's up with you tonight?"

I looked at her with "did you really just ask me that question" look and she rolled her eyes. "Oh c'mon Y/N, you're not going to tell me that just because he's here, you're going to ruin the night for yourself?"

"I'm not ruining anything! He is!"

"You're so immature."

"I don't even know why he's here! Why did Ella invite him?!" I roughly whispered at Janine, trying not to let the others hear me. Like if they could, though. The music was blasting so loud that the walls shook every time the beat hit.

"You know she had to! She invited Taehyung knowing that he was going to invite Jimin and Jungkook, and you know that Ella has a huge crush on Jimin."

"Why didn't she just invite Jimin then?!"

"You know how shy she is, dude."

I groaned in annoyance and fell back on the cushion crossing my arms.

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