~Quote 31~

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"I know that the world isn't perfect. In fact, the world is pretty fucked up most of the time. I know that things may not be ideal, or may not be going your way. Things might be shit right now. Things might be the absolute worst they've ever been. Things might seem like they won't ever get better. It might seem like you're drowning in this sea of darkness. You may feel sad. You may feel angry. You may feel lost. Or maybe you don't feel anything at all. Maybe you feel nothing. And maybe that's the worst part of it all. But you have to listen. You have to believe me that things will get better. Things won't stay like this for all eternity. Even though it may not always be apparent, there are people that care about you. And there are people here willing to listen. You are not alone. You're not the only one feeling the way that you feel. You are not hopeless. There are so many that care for you and so many who are willing to help. You just have to reach out a hand. You have to speak up. As hard as it might be, as daunting as that decision may feel, you have to take that chance. You may feel alone but it doesn't have to be that way. You can get better. You can be happy again. And there is someone out there who is willing to help. There is someone there who is willing to listen and guide you. Please don't give up. You can do this. You are strong and you are brave and you can fucking get past this. I believe in you. It sounds like bullshit because I'm just some dude that makes videos on the internet who's spewing words onto a Tumblr post at midnight. But here I am. I'm on that list of people who believes in you. It's not an empty list. We need to be here for each other. We need to listen and reach out to each other and be there to catch each other when we're at our lowest. You all have helped me more than you will ever know. And I'm glad that I may be able to help you out a tiny bit too. I just want you to know that you can get past this. You are not alone. There are people here for you. You can do this. Please don't give up." ~ CrankGameplays

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