chapter 1

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we were all pitching in on trying to make weapons and figuring out a way to get out of this.

also we got introduced to our new friends. tara, she helped glenn even though she was originally with the governor. abraham, the buffy red head and the leader of his small three person group. rosita, his latina badass girlfriend who is apparently really good with bombs. and lastly eugene, the science geek who apparently had a cure for all this.

dad was keeping watch by the door. he informed maggie that beth is alive and he also had to break the news to sasha that we haven't seen tyreese.

"alright, we got four of these pricks coming our way" dad warned us. we all started getting in ready position.

to keep carl and i safe, rick wanted him and i  to stay in the very back behind everyone. we didn't have any weapons, so we were relying strictly on our fists. "remember aim for the eyes first. then go for the neck" rick ordered.

"get your backs up against the walls against either side of the walls." a voice from outside said. we were all prepared for them to come through the front door. but instead, we heard noises come from the roof. we all looked up until abraham yelled "move!".

i grabbed carls arm and ran to the corner right as the smoke bomb went off. we were all coughing and none of us could see anything.

through all the coughing, i heard the door open. i couldn't get to it though because i couldn't see anything.

eventually the smoke cleared up and by that point i felt like i was suffocating. "you okay?" carl immediately asked me once we could see eachother. i nodded and then started to look around for my dad. he was gone.

"carl, where's our dad's?" i asked. that caught everyone's attentions. "glenn and bob too" michonne said. then we heard some kind of explosion. i closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

everyone started rushing to the door to see if they could see what's going on. "what the hell is going on" abraham yelled punching the wall clearly frustrated. "they took em and knocked em out or something" sasha said.

then eugene started saying something that none of us really understood because he was using really scientific terms. it pretty much just annoyed everyone.

"hey, rick will be fine. my dad will be fine. glenn will be fine, and bob will be fine." i said walking towards everyone with carl at my side. "they are. and we need to get ready to fight our way out with them when they do." maggie said.

we all realized she was right and got back to work.

we all just did our thing. carl and i were in the back continuing what rick was doing: getting pointed slabs of wood off the wall to use as a weapon.

during all this sasha started interrogating eugene for the cure. i mean, all of us wanted to know so i don't blame her. we all sat and listened as he explained a little bit of his back story and part of his plan. but none of it even mentioned the cure for all this.

when he gone done explaining we heard the door open. it was rick. we all ran out and him, dad, bob, and glenn were fighting off walkers. i immediately ran over to dad.

"rae, you good?" he asked. "yeah, you?" i asked quickly. "yeah, go to carl. now!" he yelled. i did as he said and ran over to carls side.

we ran in the middle of everyone in our group. the ones in the front and back were killing the walkers. i only had to kill one that was coming towards carl and i. "up and over!" rosita yelled referring to the fence. we all grouped over towards the fence. "kids first!" abraham yelled looking over to carl and i.

carl and i ran over as abraham bent down with his hands cupped. i got the memo and put one of my feet in his hands and he lifted me up. i pulled myself over the fence and safely landed. carl did too seconds after.

one by one each one of us got over the fence. eventually dad came over. when he did, i immediately ran over to him and wrapped my arms around him. he did the same and we just hugged eachother in silence. and neither of us wanted to let go.

eventually when all of us were over the fence, dad lead us to the spot in which rick had smarty buried some weapons. thank god he did.

as rick dug up the bag of supplies, he ordered us to go shoot at the rest of the people through the fences. everyone started arguing against rick and i decided to end it.

"rick no. it's over. we're safe and we need to save the ammo" i said. he sighed. we then heard leaves rustling behind us and we all turned around.


dad immediately ran over to her and engulfed her with a hug. i smiled at the sight. dad finally got his bestfriend back. we all started walking over towards her.

"did you do that?" rick asked. she nodded and then rick gave her a hug. "you have to come with me" she told rick.

she then started leading us off. when walking she called me over. "hey reagan, come here" she said. i jogged away from carl and over to her and dad. she then handed me my bow and quiver. "oh my god thank you" i said with a huge smile on my face. she then pulled me in for a hug. she also managed to sweep up dad's crossbow.

she led us down a road. and at the end of that road was a small house. tyreese and judith were on the porch. my mouth dropped as rick and carl sprinted over to them along with sasha. everyone was shocked and happy.

i went over to dad and held his hand. he flinched at first for some reason, and i found that odd because he's usually accustomed to me holding his hand. but after a second, he relaxed and he leaned over and gently kissed the top of my head.

it was a bittersweet moment. we may have almost died, but atleast we got most of our family back.

"i don't know if the fire is still burning" rick said looking off into the distance at the smoke. "it is" carol informed us. "yeah, we need to go" rick said. "yeah, but where?" dad asked.

"somewhere far away from there" rick said pointing. he then walked over to me. once he reached me, without hesitation he wrapped his arms around me. i didn't even question it and i did the same.

"are you okay?" he asked letting go of me. i looked around at my family.

all the people who i didn't know when all this began, but now i would take a bullet for each one of them. we've been through so much together and i love each and every one of them.

"yeah" i said smiling, "i am" i then said looking up at rick.

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