Chapter 3 {Seth, the beast?}

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I was officially convinced Cassy had lost her damn mind. My Seth, a womanizer, it was not possible. She had seen the disbelief written all over my face and huffs.

" I know it sounds insane but it's true. The Seth you knew is gone."

"Ok Cassy, besides the fact he has done the deed with a lot of girls. What else is different?"

If I was to believe her I would need more proof and examples. She pulls out her phone and clicks on instagram.

"For one thing, he got a gym membership."

She showed me a picture

Not possible it couldn't be. The guy who would eat endless ice cream with me and laugh at buff guys. The guy who made faces from his belly fat looked like this now. My mouth dropped open in mourning for my old best friend.

"What the actual HECK? WHERE IS HIS GLASSES? What happened to my best friend when I left?"

She rolls her eyes at my words.

"I forgot the fact that you don't curse, and you'd be surprised to hear after his dad died and you left how he went off the rail. Girl after girl he tore the school apart. Fucking girls and till they fell in love with him, then he leaves. Half the school is tearing each other apart just to get him to talk to them again. He got the name beast because of how cruel he is. He is supposedly a sex god and no one has ever been able to say no to him."

She shows me about 40 pictures with a different girl with Seth in each one. As she scrolls from girl to girl I finally stop her having enough. Guilt makes me tear up, I should have been here I could have saved him from himself.

"Why didn't he tell me? Do you think he thinks I'd hate him if I found out?"

I question her earnestly. Why didn't he trust me? I mean I was angry with him yes, but if he had told me I wouldn't have been.

"I think he just didn't want the reincarnation of innocence ashamed of him. Belle your practically the statue of virtue. I'm almost positive you haven't gotten your first kiss yet?"

I nodded my head and she laughs patting my back.

"Still the same sweet girl we all knew, aren't you Belle? Now give me your number before my mom cuts my head off for making her wait in the car this long,"

I quickly type it into her phone and take a picture of my smiling face for my contact photo. My brown eyes almost completely dilated in the picture makes me look slightly crazy and I laugh at myself as I hand her the phone back.

"It was nice seeing you again, Belle. I'll text you later, K?"

"Sounds good, Cassy."

She drags me for an even longer hug and runs out the doors to her mothers car. Her tan mini skirt almost flying up in an indecent way is cut off by the door shutting. Thank goodness, I didn't want to see that.

Turning to the belt I spot my black suitcase that would get me through until my stuff made it from Pa. A buzzing from my pocket signals the incoming call.


I answer the call quickly excited to finally hear her voice again.

"Sweetie is it really you?"

"It is mom."

"I've missed you so much honey. I'm sorry it took me so long to get it together."

I shook my head even though I knew she couldn't see me.

"I'm just happy your okay now mom, thats what matters."

A hand at my shoulder makes me turn around, the sight of the older brunette brings tears to my eyes.

"Mommy, I've missed you so much."

She wrapped me in a hug and tears came to my eyes as she whispered how much she loved me. I didn't even care about the fact that I sounded like a damn three year old. I had my mother back and that was that.


As we laugh and sing along to the songs in the car, it hits me how much I missed this. How much I missed her.

"Mom now that I've talked your ear off about Pennsylvania, tell me about how everything here's been."

She stopped laughing when I finished speaking.

"It's been hard sweetie. You know how Angie's husband passed before you left. Well she and Seth took it hard. I helped Angie through it, but I didn't know what to do about Seth. He's become a lot different, he's the captain of the football team now. Who would have thought, the only kid that was cut the first year is now their starting quarterback three years in a row. If I'm being honest I think he's become a bit of a womanizer since you've been gone. He's with a new girl almost every other week. "

I choke on air at my mother's words. Even my mother noticed him being a womanizer. It seems Cassy wasn't lying.

"That's crazy mom."

"It is, but didn't he tell you. Your father told me you guys have been keeping in touch."

He didn't deem it important to tell me anything about the abs and girls but I'm not telling her that.

"I mean kinda, but you know how life is. I was crazy busy all the time. So not much time for us to talk."

Mom was turning on our old street and I look at her side profile in confusion. She glances over at me with concern.

"What's wrong sweetie? Do you not remember your old house?"

I remembered it all right, but I thought she had moved when I had left.

"I do remember mom, but I thought you moved,"

"I did sweetie, but I got our old house back so you wouldn't feel so out of place when you moved down here."

"He doesn't still live next door does he?"

"Of course the Knight's still live next door.It wouldn't be a home without them next to us."

I was practically set up to fail, how could I avoid confronting my lying best friend when he was my next door neighbor.

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