⚊ch. 4, hate you more

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hate you more



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❝maybe you guys should calm down? it's only 7:30 in the morning.❞


Other people influence our decisions every day. Even if we don't realize. 

For example, we might be shopping and see a cute shirt that we like and think 'Would I look cute in this?' because of that one question, it shows that we care about our appearance and how other people might think and see us.

Some people care a lot about how other people see them and how they see other people. People who base someone off of how they look without getting to know someone is vain.

Maxine Mayfield is not one of those people.

"Get down here you little shit or I'm leaving without you!" Billy Hargrove, Maxine's older stepbrother, yelled from downstairs as he grabbed his car keys, looking at himself in the mirror.

Max rolled her blue eyes as she quickly grabbed her skateboard and bookbag, running down the stairs, ignoring her brother.

The two honestly despised each other. 

It had been three years since Max's mom married Billy's dad and they still never warmed up to each other. In fact, their hate for each other grew, even more, day by day.

"When the hell are you gonna get rid of that stupid skateboard and actually get your driver's license? I'm tired of taking your punk ass to school every day." Billy sneered, slamming his door, speeding down the narrow street.

Max stayed quiet, groaning quietly. Billy glanced at her, "Hey. I'm talking to you. Answer me." he growled, gripping the steering wheel.

Max held her skateboard closer, avoiding eye contact with her brother. Billy flared his nose, grabbing Max's arm roughly, "Don't ignore me you little shit!" he yelled. Max flinched, wincing in pain.

"Billy, let go!" Max cringed as he tightened his grip on her arm, tears filling her eyes. She felt like she could burst at any moment. The tears would flow out of her eyes as water flowed out of a dam.

"What are you gonna do about it? Huh!? You know the rules, Maxie." he growled. Max bite back a sob. Billy let go of her arm and gripped the steering wheel.

The rest of the ride was silent as the two made their way to Hawkins High. Max quickly wiped her face and sniffed, quickly hopping out of the car and skating away from her crazy stepbrother.

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