⌁ redemption ⌁

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seo changbin's hands betray him as they shake a little violently whilst he holds the tray, balancing the hot drinks and being careful not to make them topple and scald the faces of the customers below him, possibly earning him a prison sentence.

today, he was undeniably jittery and on edge, feeling as if he was going to snap at any given moment. which he probably was, when a certain few people walked in.

it was rush hour, midday, which came with its obligated list of pros and cons. the never ending and distracting line and demand from customers kept changbin busy and let his mind stray away from concerning topics, but it seemed like the more work and waiting he did the more frantic he became.

the boy mumbled a silent apology to the middle aged woman he had just walked into, placing drinks down onto wooden tables with a practiced grace and trying ever so hard to plaster a smile onto his face.

every minute or so, he glanced backwards at the cafè door, waiting to see if those certain people would walk through them.

eventually, the rush subsided, the business of customers dissolving whilst the afternoon dragged on. changbin's arms burned and his legs felt weak, head hazy with constant chatter and noise, but kept at his job, delaying his break until later.

coincidentally, at that moment, lee minho walked through the doors.

his rich brown hair was swept over his forehead, eyes glittering darkly and his clothes, as expected, were sleek and classy. however, from minho's slight hesistation and expression on his face as if he wanted to run, changbin could tell he was just as nervous as he was.

of course, felix had spun some tale of wanting to meet him and "talk things out" as he had called it, and minho had jumped at the chance to explain and make it up to his friend, albeit anxiously. felix had insisted this particular coffee shop as well, the one changbin worked at.

now, changbin wasn't sure the breathlessness he felt right now was because he was in the presence of THE lee minho, or the small frustration that bubbled in his gut, or the fact that minho was now awkwardly filtering past tables and sat down at one in the far corner, trying to hide his face as he did so.

next up on the agenda: minho's date.

it was easy enough to expose chan. he was undeniably honest, admitting to the plot after only a few questions. changbin hadn't even intended to find out minho's co-conspirator; he'd simply started ranting about it to the older boy and had gotten a confession in return. it had kinda cut deep into changbin's trust in his friend, and, in some small way, he felt as angry and as upset as felix was. though, he kept his online responses calm, and, just like felix had, asked to meet at the safe cafè at the same time.

changbin watched sullenly as the said boy walked in, dressed in a red hoodie and jeans, hair fluffy on his head, a constrast to minho's sleek and combed hair style. the two were different in so many ways that changbin felt a hint of doubt claw at his mind. then he remembered how mismatched him and felix were with there personalities, and smiled.

right. minho and chan. get to work, you lazy ass.

he loosened an apprehensive breath and left the safety that was the counter, and made his way to lee-fucking-minho, pad and pen in hand.

"hello, what would you like to order?" changbin spoke with a sudden burst of confidence.

minho's head snapped up to face him, eyes wide, stumbling on his words.

"oh, er, im actually waiting for someone." he wavered.

"felix, right?" changbin said nonchalantly, as if he didn't plan this all out with his boyfriend, as if he didn't know felix was never gonna show up and had lead minho blindly here.

minho hesitated, pausing in confusion unti his eyes finally caught up with his brain.

he recognised him. sleekish black hair, pointed face, dark eyes, short. he was the other boy in the pictures jeongin had sent to him, the ones taken at that god-forsaken concert. felix's boyfriend.

"oh. its-its you?" it was the only thing he could say and it felt mind-numbingly stupid, minho felt the urge to crack his head against the wall. or better yet, run, because he could already feel something going on that he felt eerily suspicious of.

"mhm. changbin, nice to meet you," he stuck out his hand, acting friendly before he turned back into his salty inner self, "but you probably already know that."

minho's face, previously one of confusion and slight curiosity, changed into one of guilt and slight fear in seconds.

"listen, changbin, i'm so fucking sorry-"

"no, you listen, you prick. felix isn't here to see you. he doesn't want to talk to you. and neither do i, to be fucking honest." the curses slipped through easily, though he hardly recognised he was saying them.

"so instead, we set you up for you to talk to someone else. so you two can talk about other people's relationships and personal identities, y'know, everyday stuff for you two twats." his voice dripped heavily with spite and sarcasm as minho sat speechless, dumbfounded and a part of him hurt. the boy had just exploded in front of him, and he didn't know how to react.

it was about to get even worse.

"BANG CHAN, YOU ASSHOLE, GET OVER HERE." seo changbin screeched, rattling the whole shop, the few remaining customers turning towards the frantic scream, muttering disapproval, confusion and curiousity.

the guy who's name had just been screamed by his (still current, he hoped) best friend stood in shock, mouth open and eyes blown wide. chan stood brain dead for a few seconds before silently, with his head pointing downwards to the floor, took a few cautious steps towards the two, embarrassed beyond belief. his cheeks were flushed red, and, as he stood by the ever agrivated changbin, had the thought of making a break for it.

"chan, i think i've found such an excellent date for you!" changbin spoke in a unnatural high pitch, with a fake sense of kindess and excitement that scared them all out of their wits.

"changbin, what are you doing-"

"have fun you two!" changbin exclaimed, pushing his older friend's body into the chair across from minho and escaping with a satisfied flourish, feet clacking behind him, ready to go for that much-needed break. seungmin patted him on the back once as changbin walked past.

whilst chan sat with his mouth agape as lee minho sat across from him in a small cafè, table for two, both frightened for their lives, confused concerned and embarrassed.

the weirdest date ever.


well that was eventful

im getting updates out as fast as i can because im on holiday, have motivation AND want to make up for my three month disappearance oof

this one was a bit wild i admit BUT IT NEEDED TO HAPPEN

we'll be out of the angst hell hole soon, i promise!!

i hope you enjoyed !! :)


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