⌁ comeback ⌁

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long story short, twitter freaks the fuck out over felix's confession. emphasis on felix's, because changbin had opted to stay dead silent in the midst of it all.

the app was a whirlwind of confusion and questions and curiosity and lowkey shipping. some speculated whether it was a joke, if felix was trying a new way to attack the other account through false rumors that would explode in his face.

the common thought was, however, that it was true, and that the two accounts were legitimately dating. the tweet just seemed too genuine, too kind, too soft to be interpreted for a cruel joke. and, in some weird way, the other users of stan twitter simply wanted this supposedly love-hate relationship to be real, and were practically given confirmation by yours truly (lee felix) that it was.

to say they threw themselves at it was an understatement. one measly tweet and you had people making theories, trying to find connections, some people even digging deep into older tweets trying to find some sort of a clue to prove it was real or false. mostly, people were confused that two people could go from hate- induced public meme humiliation via twitter to supposed boyfriends and dating and love. what alternate universe was this?

minho and chan were probably the most shaken out of everyone. even though they had set the two up and had planned it all from the beginning, and had eventually achieved their goal, the sudden exposure of what they had done turned them frantic, hysterical and in some way proud of themselves.

whilst all that madness happened during a short two-week period, the two accounts stayed deathly silent.


"binnie, are you finally done?" lee felix complained, leaning lazily against the coffee shop counter, phone in hand and hopelessly bored waiting for his boyfriend's shift to finish.

"be patient, i swear you've been standing there and complaining for the last hour. just wait." changbin smiled as he craned his head back from the drinks he was carrying in his hands to reply to a ruffled and annoyed looking felix, who was twitching to get out from the stuffy café changbin worked at.

they had made plans to go to the cinema today after changbin had finished his shift. over the last few weeks after that chaotic but memorable night where they confessed to each other (and felix confessed to the internet, but he wanted to forget about that) they'd indluged and became the sappy, soft and loving couple that felix had always dreamed to have, with romantic dates and soft kisses and, truly superior to anything else, interlocking their hands in public and feeling changbin's knuckles brush against his own.

felix also found a hidden delight in the height gap that he'd discovered one day, realising that changbin had to creep up to the front of his feet to reach his lips when they kissed, and that made felix melt every single time.

yeah, it was almost sickeningly cringe and unbearably sappy, but felix found himself going head over heels for the other boy every single day. they'd only been dating for a few weeks now, but felix's soul felt too intertwined with changbin's to ever let go, and he hoped to god changbin felt the same.

he also wished changbin would just hurry up and leave so they wouldnt miss that new romcom that was going to play without them seeing it.

"binnie" felix drawled out the new nick name he'd acquired for his boyfriend, elongating the syllables for a hopefully cute effect that would make the other surrender to his charms.

at least it made changbin pay attention to him, because felix saw a soft smile appear on the other's lips.

"sorry, your aegyo is uneffective."

@ifelforyou ; changlixМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя