⌁ confessions ⌁

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@mintho: so,, how was your show?

@ifelforbts: really fucking good

@ifelforbts: it made me emotional

@mintho: did you go with anyone then? it mustve been sad going on your own

@ifelforbts: erm , no, i went with my date

@mintho: yES, THIS DATE HMMM

@mintho: who is he????

@ifelforbts: a secret


@ifelforbts: hes smol

@ifelforbts: and loves the dak

@mintho: oh , i get it

@mintho: the tweets from last night?

@mintho: did he ask you out?

@ifelforbts: haha, no he didnt

@minho: do you like him?

@ifelforbts: obviously,, we like, kissed a few nights ago

@mintho: wOaH yOU KISSED

@mintho: cUTE

@ifelforbts: yeah, we did

@ifelforbts: and hes cute

@mintho: bOI, ask him out!

@ifelforbts: i dont know, we're joking about it for now but idk if he wants to make it more serious

@mintho: if you KISSED then of course he likes you back!!! just ask him out ffs , im sure he'll reciprocate

@ifelforbts: maybe i will

@ifelforbts: a while ago you also mentioned a date 👀

@mintho: oH haha, tHE DATE

@mintho: erm, it was good

@ifelforbts: can you tell me their gender yet???

@mintho: no because they're not real|
@mintho: haha no, its a secret

@ifelforbts: i wont judge!!

@mintho: i have to go, ttly lix

@ifelforbts: mhm


@mintho: tHEY KISSED

@channieboi: rEALLY?

@channieboi: wE DID IT

@mintho: tHEYRE SO CUTE

@channieboi: wow, i didnt think it would actually work

@ifelforyou ; changlixOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora