Chapter 16

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Our month was over. Today my parents would be returning and Nicholas would be going back to his home. I silently wept at the thought of being alone in my monsterous house. 

I wiped my tears from my face and prepared my gown. My parents were having a ball in their honor for their return. I gentle removed my black gown. It had been a debt gift that I had received from Vera Wang, but had never had a chance to wear. 

I silently slid the gown on. My curves were softening and my face slightly tan. My blue eyes were enlarged with makeup and my Louboutins sinful looking.

Nick had promised to speak with my father tonight about a future for the two of us. We figured we had waited long enough, so why wait any longer. 

Sue was over helping me prepare for the evening and she was practically glowing. 

"How did he propose?" I sat still letting my hair and makeup artist do her work. 

"He had me walk with him down this really cute street and then he told me to wait in the gazebo area and he had lights strung up and everything was so beautiful." She sighed and examined her nails. 

"I am so happy for you." I smiled. She looked up at me.

"How is the scaring healing?" She motioned to my collar. 

"It is healing. I can cover it quite nicely with makeup so no fear there." I sighed. My back was aching and my legs wobbled but I would remain strong. 

"I am going to kill Grant if you don't do something about it soon." She threatened. 

"Oh stop. I think you may need to get in line for that position seeing as how Nick is ready to show up at one of Grant's games and personally see his fathering abilities destroyed." I smirked. 

Sue let out a huffed laughter. "Nick is good for you." She looked at the pictures on my dressing table. "He honestly cares about you and is worried for your safety." 

I watched her movements. "But will he ever understand why I did and do what I do?"

"Probably not, but then again I barely understand that." She laughed and I joined in. 

"I don't know. I miss some of the things about my past, but not much. I am very pleased with my parents for making Nick my body guard." 

"Of course you are." She wiggled her brows. 

"Oh shut up." I smirked again and then we fell into a steady conversation. After we finished with our hair we slipped into our gowns and look at eachother. 

"You are going to knock his pants off." Sue exclaimed. 

I threw her a sly smile and we walked down the hall arm in arm. 


Author's note:

Sorry it is a little filler chapter, cause some meat is coming!! I am hoping to wrap this book in the middle of August but then again plans change. I am thinking maybe a sequel but we shall see. Or even a prequel eventually to show how everything happened!!!!!

The pain train is gona be leaving the station soon and Grant will be dealt with once and for all!! 

See you next time! 

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